Whoa! Topics are all heavy, time for some music fluff!

by talesin 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Any Faith No More fans out there?

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Any Faith No More fans out there? Oh yes.The Real thing is awesome.I love their cover of war pigs too.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Faith No More definitley improved with age. "Angel Dust" is a masterpiece, as are "King For A Day, Fool For A Lifetime" and "Album Of The Year". I like Mike Patton's other projects too like"Lovage" "Tomahawk", "Mr. Bungle" and "Fantomas". He is a really talented, well rounded musician.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    another underrated band..Rage against the Machine.Brilliant.

    killing in the name of.........is the best song ive ever heard live.Shame they split.I find Audioslave a tad bland.

  • talesin

    I agree, guy, on both bands. Though I do still like Audioslave!

    I see no one answered my quiz ... *grumble, grumble* Guess it was too easy!


  • ballistic

    Can you send tracks or whole albums via gmail? That could be useful and easier than how I share music at the moment.

    Here's my current collection of albums, I always remove the link after a while.

  • misanthropic

    Wow, no Iron Maiden on your list?

  • ballistic
    Wow, no Iron Maiden on your list?

    No, I think you'll find my collection, although varied, is mainly pop, pop rock, and prog rock. The list is actually out of date already since this morning believe it or not!

  • misanthropic

    Oh yeah I see, Wait a minute I spotted Depeche Mode! Nice!

  • Elsewhere

    Speaking of "fluff"...

    When I was a kid I like to call stores and ask them if they had cotton balls. ***snicker***

    The clerk would almost always say: "Just a minute, I need to check" ***snicker - chuckle ***

    The clerk would come back and say: "Yes, I've got cotton balls." ***snicker - chuckle - giggle ***

    So I would ask: "Well, do they tickle when you walk?" *** LMAO ***

    Clerk: *** CLICK ***

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