I've got pigeons nesting/roosting on my roof, blocking my gutters and messing all over my car. Any ideas how to get rid?
Pigeons on my roof!
by burnieschick 15 Replies latest jw friends
Kitty cats. Big ones. Hungry ones.
A gun?
I suppose I could throw one of my cats up on the roof! They do have a hungry look about them when they watch the pigeons out the windows. As for a gun, not sure that's a good idea with all the armed police about at the moment!
A gun?
Mebbe, but post the big, hungry kitty cat guards when you don't feel like going shooting. Cat's really do love to stalk birds and eat them.
El Kabong
Pigeons on the roof is better than bats in the belfrey.
Bats I wouldn't mind, I love bats. The worst thing is when I'm trying to watch a programme and the pigeons sit on the satelite dish causing it to loose the signal, right at a crucial moment. I've now taken to going out and shooting them with a water pistol but half an hour later, and they're back.
horrible life
Look for babies. They are probably sticking around because of them. HL
Feed them panodol! (mean evil I know! )
If you can't stand those pigions a word of advice, never, ever go to my school! we've got a plague of them lol! (along with ducks *who seem to like sitting in trees and Seagulls lol!)
Maybe try moving the nests to a different location.
Yep a big fat cat (like the one from the mouse hunt movie) would be good! go to the pound or animal shelter to get one, kittens are generally afraid of birds (My friend has a cat who is afraid of Rainbow Loraceeds )
I don't know what the lay out of your roof is like and if this is of use in your case but some people use upright thin spikes to prevent them from landing at all.