You don't believe mass dilusion is possible? If not, then every religion in the world would have to be true.
Generic thread about supernatural
by FMZ 49 Replies latest jw friends
I have had many experiences that defy cognitive, sane, thinking.... i.e. no scientific explanation. Pleanty of Psycoholical explanation that misses the mark completely.
These experiences have been the basis for my belief structure when I've explored them with "people of wisdom" - shaman's if you will.
I've also had verifyable experiences...visioning... where I've told the person it affects, and another person of my findings, before I've had ANY (physical plane) input as to the source of my experience. Wild stuff!
I've titled myself a Mystic Agnostic, and what I know is miniscule compared to what I don't know.
But, there and then, I felt at peace with everything, I just felt so loved and so happy. I bust out crying! I literally was in tears for absolutely no reason, driving down the interstate. I just felt an intense connection. It was amazing, simply amazing.
Yes! I have had this overwhelming experience at least twice in my life. The cool think is recalling the feeling, and getting it back again - only not quite as powerful as the original experience, but comforting none-the-less.
Clean, sober, not sleep deprived, not stressed out. Once in my car during my commute - early enought that there was just the beginnings of commuter traffice. And the first time out at sea. I was at the helm and the only one on deck of a 38' sailboat, perfect sailing conditions at sunset, waltzing with wind and water. My first experience with being perfectly content and "at one" with the universe.
Rem, I highly recommend you find and attend a Native American sweat lodge ceremony. One you do not PAY to attend, but it is polite to bring a gift of tobacco for the intercessor, and a gift of food for the host, and maybe even some food to share.
If you can endure 4 rounds and don't come out having experienced something "other" then I will truly be amazed.
I would be amazed too... but why do you believe this has anything to do with the supernatural? The brain is a mighty powerful organ.
rem -
REM:Sounds like you have a challenge
You could have brain sensors attached (calibrated, of course), and everything else you wished, to make a comprehensive double-blind study. Even better, why don't ya take Tetra for company?
Ya gonna do it? Are ya? are ya??
I would have absolutely no problem doing something like that. In fact I'm fascinated by the subject and I think it would be awesome if something paranormal really did happen. But I'm not going to get my hopes up!
Seeing how common this boogieman stuff is I *should* be running into ghosts everywhere I turn. Hell, I live in San Francisco... a city devastated by earthquake and fire at the turn of the century. There should be tons of ghosts in this building I live in.
But nothing. What am I doing wrong?
I would love to spend the night in a haunted house. Hell, I'd do it without payment, but I'll happily take the $1,000.00 too!
rem -
Yes, Rem, the brain is a very powerful organ. And I believe that part of it's inner workings are to process the "supernatural" experiences we all have had.
I suggested a inipi, or sweat logde ceremony, because it is a very physical experience of fire, smoke, heat, water, earth, air, and discomfort, which elicits all sorts of human physical and emotional responses especially fear. It is very spiritual with an intercessor who is responsible for everyone in the lodge at physical and spiritual levels. No drugs are used except tobacco (and not always) and it is acceptable to pass the pipe along without partaking. I have not met one single person who has undergone the ceremony - in full or in part - and not come away a changed person. Only one was skeptical at what they experienced, but they were changed.
Were my experiences connected with my super- or sub- conscious? connections with others super- or sub- consciousness? connections with spirits? These were questions I had to answer for myself and I cannot answer them for another.
I am a saggitarius, a challenger by trait. I did not intend on a challenge, just a suggestion to a skeptic to subject themselves to a non-scientific mystical experience.
The fact that you believe your personality traits have anything to do with your zodiac sign leads me to believe that you may not be the most objective observer. :)
I mean, really... Astrology? Now this is just too much. At least Astrology has been empirically disproven... many times.
rem -
I find astrology facinating as a pseudo-science in mapping personality traits. About 1/3rd of the time I can peg a person's "sun sign" Considering there are 12 zodiac signs, thats not bad. I also classify it for what it is... pseudo-science. Do I believe it? Some. But I don't put 100% credence in it, as there are so many controllable and uncontrollable factors besides location and moment of "birth" that influence a person's personality.