What - so soon?
Any Romance Been Sparked From the JWD?
by horrible life 48 Replies latest jw friends
Crumpet - you sound Surprised!
In answer to you original question as to which posters warmth is developing between.
I am not at liberty to say - it could start a board war.
1-2-3-4 I declare a board war!
(do you think anyone is noticing any warmth between us yet? should we perhaps be a bit more circumspect?)
Nawww, you're busted. Just most folks sit on the sidelines and smile, instead of dragging it into public view
Besides, no-one likes a kiss'n'tell... 'cept maybe a bunch of gossips... oh, and the heartless gloaters, I can't leave them out... oh, and the guy down the street who has his own hotdog vending machine with the wobbly sprocket... hmm, and that woman who only cuts hair on Wednesdays... come to think of it, most folks like a goood gossip, huh?
I think its safest to confine gossip to topics related to oneself on the whole. At least thats my excuse for talking about myself all the time.
(did someone mention a hot dog?)
Why don't you two just get a room already SHEEESH!! I got a spare one.......
Billygoeat- The pole is a dance lil Toe did for me at the Feb fest here in dallas. He was swingin'!! Sorry I did not have a camera with me. I fwe can get him here in November..maybe he will do it again in his kilt.
One can only hope....
No romance here.... But a spark, certainly.... Or is it a flame ?