City person or Country person

by JH 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I travelled alot recently and I passed through many major cities, and I saw the contrast between nice small quiet towns and huge cities with so much traffic.

    So, where would you rather live, in a quiet small town where there isn't much to do,but where it's quiet and there is not much stress, or in a big city with lots of traffic jams, where life is more expensive, but where there is more to see?

    I like the smaller town life.

  • Evanescence

    Well I live in a nice town

    But I don't like those tiny run down villages *that has like 10 houses and a miny supermarket* that I see in South Gippsland

    City's can be stressful, I'd no doubt get lost


  • thom

    I've spent a month or so here and there in small towns and found it very depressing (to me). I much prefer city life, where I can go to the store in the middle of the night or shop for something and know that if one store doesn't have it, I only have to go a mile or so and another one will.
    I can understand that some like small town life, I just don't think it's for me.

  • greendawn

    I definitely prefer the small places as long as the community there is nice and friendly because then you can avoid the noise and chemical pollution in the big cities.

    It's good to have a bit of land to do some gardening and freely keep some pets and chickens for organic eggs. Nothing can beat a rustic house made of solid stone. But preferably it should be within easy drivivng distance from a bigger place.

  • dedpoet

    I live in a city now, and work in an even bigger city a few miles away, but i was born and bred in a small village, and some of my family still live there. I love to visit them, and I hope to return there once I retire, village life is so much less streeful

  • Ellie

    I spent a good few years as a teenager living in a lovely little village, I'd guess and say there was about 60 houses there (any Brits who watch Emmerdale will get what I mean), now I live in a small town which I'm not completely happy with as I would prefere a tiny little village in the middle of the countryside again.

    I do enjoy going over to Dublin a few times every year though, being in a big city with all those shops and bars. but I wouldn't like to live there.

  • under74

    I was born in a small town and lived in a rural area until I was 8. Since then I've lived in large cities Seattle and San Francisco. I like the cities but I find myself frequently wanting to be some place quiet and slow.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    THe small town I live in is about a 15 minute drive from Downtown Portland, Oregon. So I guess you could say I have the best of both worlds.

  • prophecor

    I've lived mainly in the city. L.A., Detroit, and in my adult life, Philadelphia. I've never truly had the experience of small town country life except a stint in W.Va. Martinsburg W. Va. Spent 18 months there. It took a bit to get used to. Small buses that stop runing after a certain hour. Don't go to a small town, unless you're a driver. The simple life was a nice experience, I just wish I'd got a better chance to live it to it's full.

  • stillajwexelder

    Depenends on my mood -sometimes I like the tranquility of country but other times the shear energy of a busy city is invigorating

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