Would you date or marry outside of your race?

by Dimples 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • zagor

    Any Homo Sapiens would do, as long as SHE has great personality and some outside features I find apealing of course

  • zagor

    .... after all, beauty is in the eye of a beholder.


  • under74

    half the people in my family are bi-racial or a different race than me so the question seems like a non-question to me.

  • Insomniac

    Heck, I'm not racially pure myself- as near as we can guess, I'm Native American, French, and Irish or Scottish. So, like others here, it's a moot point in my case. Unless I'm dating someone who's the same mix as me, I would be dating outside of my "race." BTW, we're all so mixed up these days, I think the concept of several distinct races is on its way to obsolescence; soon we'll all just be humans.

    Having said that, I'm most often attracted to dark hair and dark skin, and a pair of brown eyes can make me just melt. I could definitely see myself marrying a guy who's non-white, were I not already spoken for. My partner is German and Danish, very fair-skinned with icy blue eyes, and after years of admiring Latinos and African Americans, I find his Nordic looks to be exotic and different. I guess my point is, race is a non-issue for me, as I'm apparently attracted to all of them.

  • blondie

    Being a JW and a sister at that time, your choices were slim. I even grew up in the 60's and 70's when bi-racial dating was just starting to be more acceptable. There was a lot of competition for single brothers, black or white. I just didn't want to get married to anyone.

    I married outside my religion.

    The black men I have met that I was attracted to were already married or had some difficult life problems to sort out first.

    Of course, now I am married and dating is out of the question unless it is my hubbie.


  • garybuss

    There's only one race. That's the human race. I would not date outside of the human race.

  • blondie

    Good answer, Gary!

  • Ellie

    I can't see any problem with it, apart from my friends little boy is bi racial, at 6 months old he had his first experience with racism, pretty disgusting if you ask me and its the only reason I would think twice before getting involved with someone from another race.

  • Englishman

    I used to dream about marrying a Hawaiian girl with a flower in her hair.

    Too much James Michener in my youth, I guess.


  • Sunspot

    I was born and raised in a big city where bi-racial marriages were not a big deal (my parents were painfully bigoted though racially AND culturally, don't know why I wasn't) but I came to meet even more races and intermarriages when I went to the KH.

    I had always told my kids that when they got married, I hoped they would find someone of another race because since I can remember, I have been fascinated with other cultures and races. I thought it would be interesting to have in-laws that had different backgrounds, etc.

    When we moved here to this very small town, I was shocked to see how narrow-minded they were in this regard! One neighbor, when my kids were i their teens, they had been playing with the her kids, came over all upset and huffy asking if I had ever told my kids about what I said earlier. I said yes, I said it and I meant it.

    She thought the kids were pulling her leg and she wanted to verify what she had heard. She was pretty infuriated and went into this diatribe about how God never meant us to marry outside of our race...blah, blah, blah, and said I was stupid. (So what else is new?) But she got really hot about it!

    BTW, None of my kids followed my wishes, probably because there was only one black family in the area, and that kinda narrowed it down a bit! One boy is not married at present, so there's still hope!


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