Thats so horriable, I cant believe family can behave like this. Pls keep us updated. So sorry bout this es
Witnesses Sell Stolen Furniture to Feed Circuit Overseer
by TMS 23 Replies latest jw friends
In this instance who applied the following?
LOVE is an identifying mark of true Christianity. “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves,” said Jesus Christ. (John 13:35)
Another is the love that grows between family members. (Romans 12:10)
*** Rbi8 Romans 12:10 ***
10 In brotherly love have tender affection for one another. In showing honor to one another take the lead
*** w93 10/15 p. 18 Love (Agape)—What It Is Not and What It Is ***
3 Yes, among the things that differentiate the pure worship of Jehovah God from all other forms of worship is its emphasis on this kind of love. Rightly did Jesus Christ state the two greatest commandments: “The first is, . . . ‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.’ The second is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:29-31) The apostle Paul put the same emphasis on love in chapter 13 of 1 Corinthians. After stressing that love was the premier indispensable quality, he concluded by saying: “Now, however, there remain faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13) Jesus rightly said that love would be the identifying mark of his followers.—John 13:35.
Let’s see who applied the above: We also started a renovation on her property at no charge to her. No one in the congregation would help her, she said. The large back yard was so overgrown in the subtropical climate that the six foot tall back fence could not be seen. We cleared the entire lot of the tall grass, overgrowth, limbs, a large bees nest and debris. Then we started on the house interior, painting and redecorating all the rooms, installing new molding on the walls, repairing porch screens, laying a carpet, repairing the roof, etc.
*** w93 10/15 p. 19 Love (Agape)—What It Is Not and What It Is ***
9 Paul further says that love “does not behave indecently.” The dictionary defines “indecent” as “grossly unseemly or offensive to manners or morals.” One who behaves indecently (unlovingly) disregards others’ feelings. Many Bible versions translate the Greek as “rude.” Such a one flouts what is considered proper and in good taste. Certainly, loving consideration for others would mean avoiding all things that are rude or indecent, things that offend and may even shock.
*** w93 10/15 p. 20 Love (Agape)—What It Is Not and What It Is ***
Other Things Love Is Not
10 Next we are told that love “does not look for its own interests,” that is, when there is a question of our personal interests and those of others. The apostle states elsewhere: “No man ever hated his own flesh; but he feeds and cherishes it.” (Ephesians 5:29) When, though, our interests compete with another’s interests and no other Bible principles are involved, we should do as Abraham did with Lot, lovingly let the other person have the preference.—Genesis 13:8-11.
Who applied the above? Would that be the current Jehovah’s Witnesses: My older sister came out with a large smile: "What would you like to buy?" My younger 45 year old sister said: "You came too late! This is all legally ours now!"
It never ceased to amaze me how some JW’s would justify “ripping” off worldly or ex JW relatives and think nothing of it. Not many would do it, but every once and a while there were some that would do it. The congregation Elders really don’t like to get involved in that type of thing. They would rather it be taken to court.
It is so unfortunate that this happened to both of you. It just makes it such a hurtful thing for family to do something like this, and then on top of it all from someone that claims to lovingly “serve the true God Jehovah.” -
LoisLane looking for Superman
I was reading old posts and came upon this one.
What happened next?
I hope your sisters were, at the very least, publicly reproved.
I have never heard of such a severe case of lies & jealousy. AND arrested? Unbelievable. I thought MY mom & sister were bad. (shaking head not laughing).
It has been 7 years. Do you have up dates of how everyone is? How is your nephew, the disabled one?
Sorry, I don't remember, is your Brother a witness? Did he help you out, legally, with any of this? For free, right? Yikes. What a nightmare. I am so sorry to hear of anyone, in a situation like this. Who needs enemies...when you have Family? lol (not really laughing...& not really very loud).
I hope you and your Family are doing well, considering all that has gone on.
Just Lois
I just came across this as well. I know this was originally posted 7 years ago, and the way those people did to you is so typical of the JWs. I have been at the raw end as well because of them, but I won’t go into any details. I would love to know how that has all ended for you all.