My daughter Renee wishes to practice Wicca, as she feels it is where she needs to be spiritually. This is serious business for her…it is not a whim, or passing fancy. She did some Internet research and began observing some of the things she found: phases of the moon, burning certain candles for various situations and so forth. This has helped it, is however, for her, not enough. There are so many Internet sites, what’s proper, what’s not, it is overwhelming. She told me this morning she felt a need to step back and find a good in depth book, but what book and where do you find one?
Wicca information...
by Quentin 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The problem with Wicca is that it's like Christianity. There are so many various forms of worship and not one group can agree with another on how to worship. However Solitary Witches are able to get around this problem by working alone. I suggest a book called Solitary Witch by Silver RavenWolf. If she would like to chat have her email me or my fiance PM me and I'll give you my messengers and email.
She might also want to read Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham. It covers most of the basics, is very non-dogmatic and practical, has a great list of other suggested readings to point her in the right direction, even a glossary. It's an excellent first book for someone who wants good, solid info about the Craft.
One of the problems with modern Wicca is that it's been taken over by people who don't know much history or folklore.
- Best reference for practice and devotion: Spiral Dance by Starhawk. Get the 20th anniversary revised edition.
- Best history of British Neo-Paganism: Triumph of the Moon, Ronald Hutton.
- Best history of American Neo-Paganism: Drawing Down the Moon, Margot Adler.
- Biggest serious website: The Witches' Voice
Oh, and keep your eyes out for a scholarly pagan-studies journal called The Pomegranate.
gently feral
Thanks folks, I'll pass it along...just noticed, part of what I intended to post is missing. Rene joined the board several months ago...circumstances have prevented her form posting, as yet...reason I'm asking the question...She has my support, but coming from a different perspective don't feel I'm quilified to assist in her endevor...Again thanks.
All the books mentioned are awesome, and any of them would help her along her path.
Also, thanks for being so supportive, this religion is one of the most misunderstood and there is so much misinformation around about it.
Sherry -
Also, thanks for being so supportive, this religion is one of the most misunderstood and there is so much misinformation around about it.....Sherry
My daughter has suffered much in her life...I wasn't there for her when it was most a father I was too busy to be bothered...don't neglect your children, you'll carry it to your grave.
Also, I've become egalitarian in my old age...all things are one has the better way. We all need a spiritual center, even an atheist, many of whom confuse spirituality with God.
We all need a spiritual center, even an atheist, many of whom confuse spirituality with God.
Quentin, I couldn't agree with you more. I remember years ago talking to my Psychologist and telling him that I felt I was not religious but I was a spriritual person. He seemed surprised at that. I feel that deep inner feelings about 'whatever' it might be that makes us feel good...whether it be Gawd, nature... or whatever, to me, can make us spiritual. We have to find happiness in what we do in life to feel at peace in our lives.
People think of being spiritual as having to do with Gawd or religion. I have not felt this was a necessary component, so I looked up the word spiritual on (One of my fav sites, BTW). Here is what it says:
spir·i·tu·al ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sp
adj.- Of, relating to, consisting of, or having the nature of spirit; not tangible or material. See Synonyms at immaterial.
- Of, concerned with, or affecting the soul.
- Of, from, or relating to God; deific.
- Of or belonging to a church or religion; sacred.
- Relating to or having the nature of spirits or a spirit; supernatural.
Without REALLY knowing what the word spiritual meant I KNEW in my heart it had more to do with what you felt inside rather than it having to do with a religion or Gawd. I have equated being spiritual with the #2 explanation above:
"Of, concerned with, or affecting the soul."
Good luck to your daughter in her endeaver to find her own spirituality. Kudo's to you for publicly admitting that you did wrong in the past. It takes a great person to be able to admit it, not just privately... but to do it publicly speaks volumes about you and your love for your daughter.
Without REALLY knowing what the word spiritual meant I KNEW in my heart it had more to do with what you felt inside rather than it having to do with a religion or Gawd.
Of, concerned with, or affecting the soul.
Good definition.
Appreciate the comments DAC...Rene does as well...she said to thank everyone and hopfully she will soon be able to post for herself.
There is also a new book called " A Year and a Day" its a great reference book and starts out with some basic stuff.
all of the books mentioned ver very good.