girl-interrupted, trust me, you have not "started" anything that hasn't been already going on. Afterall, this IS a Jehovahs-Witness Discussion Forum, however, sometimes threads get a bit off tract based on the attitudes and ideals of some people. I've done it myself.
Addictive and Compulsive behaviours are a bitch! I know. I have genetic alcoholism. JWism didnt cause it. I was born with it and can trace it's lineage back 5 generations (of non-witlesses) along with my own birth lineage.
I say genetic and birth lineage because i was adopted. My adoptive (JW) parents were very normal drinkers with very normal attitudes about alcohol. But at about 12 or 13 my alcoholism 'kicked in' with some mild drinks at a friends house where we were supervised by adults. I kept my alcoholism at bay because of the concept that drinking was for adults, otherwise there would not be laws governing alcohol use. So I waited until I was an "adult" ... that is, I was a wife at 18 of a man who was 21 and could buy it legally (a man who when I married him was ontract for becoming an MS). By my 21's birthday I was full-blown alcoholic drinking almost daily.
I've now been clean and sober for over 15 years. And at times it's still a bitch! But I'll tell ya, even though I had been "out" of JWism for several years, the attitudes really surfaced when I wanted to get help for my drinking. It finally came to a showdown between "Jehovah" and the basement door of a baptist church where my first and very necessary AA meeting was being held.
Ultimately, I won!
Jehovah did not cast down lightening bolts. Basically.... NOTHING HAPPENED! Except they prayed, and I felt really embarrased because I did not know the Lords Prayer.... me a former bible thumper who could look up any chapter and verse with the speed of lightening!
My body does not process alcohol NORMALLY just as a diabetics body does not process sugar NORMALLY.
Yes, I do understand there are different mechanisms at work for eating disorders and other "compulsive" disorders. But there are many, many similarities, too.
If JWdom now accepts Alcohlism, Depression, Compulsive disorders and other Mental Illness, it's because they have HAD TO!!! But that doesn't change the treatment and attitudes of the people, the congregations, the elders, or any other JW.
Welcome to JWD, again. I hope you stick around and let us get to know you, and you get to know us. Most of us here are terrific people.
You might check out some of the interresting stuff on the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and their 9+ year relationship with the Wild Beast(tm), erm, The United Nations! Facinating stuff, and many of the early the whistleblowers are involved right here on JWD.
Then, there's the WTBTS investments into RJ Reynolds stock. Yet they disfellowship for smoking tobacco.
Then, there's the documentation that they said Armageddon would happen near the fall of 1975. THEN they got new light about the old light being wrong.
Those are my faves.
Other, more scholarly members here have documented and fractured the WTBTS basis for 1914 by revealing the incorrect arrival of 607 BCE instead of 586-7.
Now, how about where the WTBTS has set itself up as Jesus Mediator between Jehovah and Man... Hmmmm? Totally contrary to the bible.
But then, the WTBTS aren't ABOUT the bible. They are about publishing "free" literature, and developing bible-studies, to get more donating "publishers" to support their habits.
Truly enlightening information.
Hugs, love, and stick around. It just gets BETTER!