S:If god has a tunnel, is he a she?God is refered to as a He.
And the tunnel you are referring to is out of the question.
Well then, how does he give birth? Since he has no mate, maybe he is both sexes - hermaphrodite. S
by GetBusyLiving 74 Replies latest jw friends
S:If god has a tunnel, is he a she?God is refered to as a He.
And the tunnel you are referring to is out of the question.
Well then, how does he give birth? Since he has no mate, maybe he is both sexes - hermaphrodite. S
Yes Hib as a matter of fact I have tried praying to the "big guy" in the sky.
As a self-loathing teenager I begged him for answers. I wanted to know why he wasn't making my gayness go away. I was doing everything he asked me to do. I was in a suicidal downward spiral. I didn't get out of bed for days. I would cry myself to sleep. I wasn't masterbating. I was preaching full time. I baptised myself in Jesus name. I couldn't eat. What more did I need to do to show him I wanted to serve him? I prayed 3 or 4 times a day begging him to fix me. And you know what Hib? HE DIDN'T ANSWER MY F***ING PRAYERS !!!
So before you go off about what I may have done or not done to FIND YOUR SHITTY GOD cut me some slack!
HE FORSOOK ME IN MY TIME OF NEED HIB! So either YOUR GOD doesn't exist or he chose not to answer. In either case I say he can go F*** himself. Thank you very much!
Ask your morman friends. They are the ones who say God is having spiritual children with his many wives!
As a self-loathing teenager I begged him for answers. I wanted to know why he wasn't making my gayness go away. I was doing everything he asked me to do. I was in a suicidal downward spiral. I didn't get out of bed for days. I would cry myself to sleep. I wasn't masterbating. I was preaching full time. I baptised myself in Jesus name. I couldn't eat. What more did I need to do to show him I wanted to serve him? I prayed 3 or 4 times a day begging him to fix me. And you know what Hib? HE DIDN'T ANSWER MY F***ING PRAYERS !!!
As a self-loathing teenager I begged him for answers. I wanted to know why he wasn't making my gayness go away. I was doing everything he asked me to do. I was in a suicidal downward spiral. I didn't get out of bed for days. I would cry myself to sleep. I wasn't masterbating. I was preaching full time. I baptised myself in Jesus name. I couldn't eat. What more did I need to do to show him I wanted to serve him? I prayed 3 or 4 times a day begging him to fix me. And you know what Hib? HE DIDN'T ANSWER MY F***ING PRAYERS !!!
I'm sorry EF but you didn't fully give yourself up to God otherwise you wouldn't be in this mess. No one is perfect but God gives you strength and understanding. The devil has confused your mind too.
Listen if you really are sincere God will help you. You ought to be a living testimony in this world. No one said it would be easy. Your body is a temple. Would you let your gayness take control of you??? You have the power to say NO!!!!
Right, so god makes everything out of nothing; the earth, the universe, the angels, jesus, all made out of nothing. His own material, whatever it may be, he does not use in the creation of his children. What kind of concept is your god? How can you be in his image?? Humans come from humans, stars come from hydrogen gas clouds, plants come from seeds. In all of nature, nothing comes from nothing.
Hib do you realize how incredibly stupid everything you have to say sounds? WE DON'T BELIEVE THE BIBLE IS ANYTHING BUT MAN MADE BULLSHIT.
S:Right, so god makes everything out of nothing; the earth, the universe, the angels, jesus, all made out of nothing. His own material, whatever it may be, he does not use in the creation of his children. What kind of concept is your god? How can you be in his image??
You were insinuating that God is like a female person who can have a child in the way a woman is supposed to so don't twist it around!
It's not twisted. God is supposed to have created sex and birth. The bible itself uses the image of birth w regard to the supposed kingdom. Answer the rest of my post.
Hib do you realize how incredibly stupid everything you have to say sounds? WE DON'T BELIEVE THE BIBLE IS ANYTHING BUT MAN MADE BULLSHIT.
GBL Everything else that you read GBL is man made shit so what's your point? Explain how the earth came to be eh? Can you change the past no! God made us and what we did in the past cannot compare. You ever made anything that had breath wiseguy??? Can you create life from your hands can you raise the dead? Can you change the past for a better future with hope??? Jesus did that. He has given us hope for eternal life in happiness. Can you do that eh? Can you????? HF