HOW YA BEEN? Keep smiling. You have friends in WISCONSIN What could be better.
by wanderlustguy 52 Replies latest jw friends
HOW YA BEEN? Keep smiling. You have friends in WISCONSIN What could be better.
Yoo Hoo... hows that attention seeking feeling going?
i'm looking for someone to entertain me momentarily. can you fill the role?
Hey, I think I'll start my own attention whore thread tomorrow
XOXOXOXOXOXOXO*Shamelessly showers attention on WLG*XOXOXOXOXOXOXO
(if you're an attention whore, does that make me and attention-giving whore?)
~Merry (of the "not living so large myself" class)
Hi sweetie, couldn't help myself, had to say "hi". There's a lot of lovin' for you on the board.
Here's some more from the UK
Wow...I'm gonna have to remember this when I'm having the next bad day...this is pretty cool!
I just went to this "area activity club function", it sucked in ways nothing has ever sucked before in the history of suckage...some people really should be liscenced to be out on their own, with endoresments required for them to have an opinion.
I think I'll just sit here with the computer from now on...
Hi WLG....HEY!!!! I told you on another thread that I liked your new look.....you and GBL.....Hang in there cutie-puh-tootie.....
Hey Delilah, I figured you have to be pretty damn hawt yourself to get that dude to cut his hair and stuff. Kinda bad thing you did to him after that though...
He pushed the building down 'cause you cut him off...tell the truth...
Hey, I think I'll start my own attention whore thread tomorrow
I will do mine attention whore thread after Rat!
We will see who gets more attention....lol
I know Brooke he is a hottie isnt he :) es