Service Meeting week of August 1, 2005

by TheListener 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Emma
    . "Do you think we will ever see the human family enjoying the kind of conditions pictured here?"

    2. "All of us would like our children to be able to enjoy the kind of world pictured here. What do you think it would take to bring this about?"

    3. "This is an illustration of what the earth will look like when God's will takes place on earth as it is in heaven. Do you notice anything that is different from life today?"

    4. "Would you like to live under the conditions pictured here?" [Allow for response.] "Do you think this will happen in our lifetime?"

    Does this stuff still work? Not that it ever really did. Do the pub's still do this? You could miss meetings for decades and not "miss" anything.

  • 95stormfront
    You'd think they wold realize that the old presentation has reached its saturation point.

    How could it.....when people are leaving as fast out the back door as they have people coming in the front. With the way the soceity turnkeys poeple they could recycle the same crap over and over until time indefinite and never reach saturation.

  • rebel8
    "This is an illustration of what the earth will look like when God's will takes place on earth as it is in heaven. Do you notice anything that is different from life today?"

    I always tried to stay away from saying things like this that assume the person at the door is a total idiot.

  • stillajwexelder

    15 min: "Help Your Children Progress in the Ministry." Talk and audience discussion. Include a demonstration of a parent and child using a simplified presentation. Have the parent conclude the presentation by briefly explaining the donation arrangement.

    Always the money , always the dollars -inculcate into your kids ata an early age it is not the love it is the money

  • Valis
    15 minutes on how to comment? what's that then? a) put your hand up, b) if you're chosen (face fits), give your answer.


  • stillajwexelder

    LOL at Valis' comment

  • TheListener

    Thank you brother Valis. Does anyone else have something to add? New hands?

  • MidwichCuckoo
    briefly explaining the donation arrangement.

    This just gets better. What's this ''donation arrangement'' then?

  • blondie

    How many people need to be reminded to turn in a timesheet at work; only once, the first time they don’t get their paycheck.

    How to Comment at Meetings


    “the paragraph says”

    “the slave says”

    “the Watchtower says”

    “the article says”

    “the Society says”

    Anything but

    “the Bible says” and read scripture in entirety

    “the scriptures says” and read scripture in entirety

    Book, chapter, verse (s)

    Include a demonstration of a parent and child using a simplified presentation.

    Is this for the parent’s or the child’s benefit? My mother never went over an presentation with us. We had to come up with one ourselves. My mother was reading the magazines while she drove to the “meeting for field service.”

    Have the parent conclude the presentation by briefly explaining the donation arrangement.

    No one in this area says anything about the donation arrangement.


    Older man: Yes, young man, I think I would like to read those magazines. What do I owe you?

    Young JW: There is no cost for the magazines, but if you would like to donate to the “worldwide work,” I’d be happy to take your donation.

    Older man: What?! I thought you said I didn’t have to pay anything. Here take back the magazines.

    Young JW: No, the money is not for the magazines…..(as the older man hands back the magazines and shuts the door)

    Have You Tried a Flexible Approach?

    Many JWs have one-size fits all presentations that they have used for the last 30 years.

    flexible presentation that can be adjusted for a man, a woman, an older person, or a youth, whether an acquaintance or a stranger.

    Another need is (3) to be flexible. It is good to have different articles in mind to discuss—one for youths, another for men, and something else for women.

    w84 8/15 p. 21 Effective Ministry Leading to More Disciples ***

    The Christian ministry today must also involve people. Being conscious of that fact, Jehovah’s Witnesses have a flexible approach in their service to God. All around the world they can be seen talking to people—on the streets, at the doors, in busy shopping areas, around bus, subway and railway stations, in factory, office and business districts.

  • lawrence

    How to comment at meetings -

    "Is this stuff for real? The writers must be on poppers or glue." Shake head and repeat again. "Is this stuff for real? The writers must be on poppers or glue."

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