Matthew 1:17 & 42 Generations

by campaign of hate 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate

    If we are to look at Matthew 1:17, looks like there were 42 generations from Abraham to Jesus.

    If we take 1948 BCE (Abraham's birth) and we take it to Jesus baptisim (29 CE) we get to 1,977 years.

    So lets divide 1977 years by 42 (the amount of generations), we get to around 47 years for one generation.

    1 generation = 47 years.

    1 generation + an overlapping generation (1 generation more) = 94 years.

    This is all in the first chapter of the New Testament....

    Comments welcome....

  • galaxie

    The Faithfull and discreet slave aka the governing body have given the domestics the food at the proper time from jehovahs table. They alone are privy to what jesus meant when he referred to ' the generation ' . Any other calculation is spurious and futile.

    Yield and obey !!

  • Crazyguy
    Jesus said that this generation would by no means pass away. The GB are stating that Jesus lied plain and simple.  
  • galaxie
    Jesus is old light!! Get with it bro'.
  • Londo111
  • abiather
    The generation that Jesus declared "would not pass away" did pass away. Hence the teaching of Generation was discarded in the first century itself.
  • Splash

    The Bible gives a few indications about the length of a generation.
    Unsurprisingly none of them are 200 years long (which is the length of the current teaching of 'generation')

    35 years: (Job 42:16, 17) "And Job continued living after this a hundred and forty years and came to see his sons and his grandsons—four generations.

    37 years: Jerusalem was destroyed about 37 years later when Jesus said "this generation will by no means pass away"

    38 years: Deut 2:14 - And the days that we walked from Ka′desh-bar′ne·a until we crossed the torrent valley of Ze′red were thirty-eight years, until all the generation of the men of war had come to their end.


    (Mt 1:17) "All the generations, then, from Abraham until David were fourteen generations, and from David until the deportation to Babylon fourteen generations, and from the deportation to Babylon until the Christ fourteen generations":

     - Abraham to David : 2018BCE -> 1107BCE / 14 generations = 65 years
     - David to deportation : 1107BCE -> 607BCE / 14 generations = 35 years
     - Deportation to Christ : 607BCE -> 29CE / 14 generations = 45 years

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    I did the same research, 40 years seems to be the magic number, and even if you have "overlapping" generations, like the glorious ones in NY have "evidently" agreed upon by means of HS when they meet together....    

    1914 + 80 = 1994

    2x40 = 80 = long gone... 


    That scripture in Job is particularly damning to the "overlapping" dogma. 


  • StarTrekAngel

    While I am a big proponent of finding out what the bibles means by comparing separate texts, I have to admit that it is not possible to compare the meaning of "generation" by simply looking at what one generation understood as "generation" compared to what a much later generation understood by "generation". In other words, whatever length of time a generation was in the times of Abraham, is not necessarily the same during the times of Moises or Jesus. In either case, it is understandable that the people of whom each one of us considers to be of the same "generation" as us, vary in age, experience and the like. A generation can be grouped by chronological age as well as having experienced a certain dramatic event or time in history.

    With that in mind, two people can be of the same generation that saw men walk on the moon and yet, as far as age is concerned, they could be of two totally separated generations (father and son for example). In this case you do have an "overlap" but at least, both generations have witnessed the same event. When it comes to this there is no escape to the rule that, whichever generation must be alive before the Big A, overlapping with another one or not, it must have witnessed the event in order to qualify to fulfill the prophecy.

    Unfortunately, even stretching the definition isn't enough at this point. How many anointed  witnesses that overlap with the 1914 generation are still alive? Not many. The "overlap", even if it was correct, is no overlap anymore.

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