See "Evolutionist Admits False Assertions Against Critic of Darwin's Theories"
Evolutionist Caught in a Lie
by Kenneson 65 Replies latest jw friends
Tho I feel that WTBTS books should not be a part of school program , I think it would be a good idea to keep the kids informed that evolution is a science theory and cannot be proven fact . I really can't remember seeing alot on evolution when I was in science class in high school . I am also against religion in schools , so don't put me down as a fundy ......
hot from Agape Press! - "Reliable News from a Christian Source"i guess some scientists get a little too worked up when they see the minds of children atrophying from intellectual malnutrition caused by the mental garbage dished out by idiotic neo-con-job-christian policy makers and breakers.
the term theory as used in the scientific community is different from the way it is used in the legal profession. to a scientist, the word theory does not mean "guess". here is a brush up on the "issue". i have already explained it like a dozen times on this board.
evolution is a theory and a fact:
the fact that you remember next to nothing about evolution from your school science classes is exactly the problem. as long as the american people are in ignorance about the history of our species, we can't very well expect them to stick up for anything other than what they learn in sunday school.
if you're interested in learning more about our fascinating natural history, the link above has a trove of good writing for the beginner.
I really can't remember seeing alot on evolution when I was in science class in high school .
That's probably why you:
think it would be a good idea to keep the kids informed that evolution is a science theory and cannot be proven fact .
But you're an adult now. You've no excuse for not educating yourself about the facts of evolution.
If you want to play you need to buy a ticket first.
This guy has a good list for you to read:
I know enough about evolution and atheism to know it is all bunk and speculation . Nobody has ever observed an animal mutate into a higher life form in a laboratory . I don't care to waste my time reading anything you posted and I'm not interested in another evolution creation debate just stating that I think the flaws in the evolution theory should be discussed and not over looked as so commonly done by advocates .
If you were educated on the subject you would know that the flaws of evolution are taught in school. But the flaws are very technical in nature and are usually discussed in detail in higher level courses. No one is hiding anything.
I love how the creationsists are trying to ride this one... going on and on about truth. It's always been the scientists who make retractions and corrections as they find errors. Creationists never make retractions no matter how many times their errors are exposed.
rem -
I know enough about evolution and atheism to know it is all bunk and speculation .
well then it's obvious that you don't "know" enough.
Nobody has ever observed an animal mutate into a higher life form in a laboratory .
nor has anybody ever observed god-daddy create an animal from the dust of the earth. LOL! - oh! but wait! there is no such thing as a higher life form! your comments show that you really do not know anything about evolutionary theory.
I don't care to waste my time reading anything you posted
this is not a very intelligent thing to say at all, heathen. perhaps you should try reading something before critiquing the theory next time.
An interesting world view:
Trust scientists enough to :
*let them build nuclear power plants within a few miles of heavily populated areas
*trust them with thoroughly understanding Aerodynamics enough to put your life into their hands (and their theoretical knowledge) to get on an airplane
*trust their theories regarding human biology enough to take prescription medecine
*accept without a 2nd thought Plate Tectonic theory
*accept witout a 2nd thought high energy particle physics (even though no one has ever seen a high engergy particle)
*accept current atomic theory, even though no one has ever seen an atom
And yet, in spite of the above, those same people simultaneously believe that on this *one* branch of science, and no other, scientists are a bunch of witch doctors waving their hands and deluding each other, and their current understanding is so flawed that is not worthy even of discussion, let alone researching it enough to formulate and informed counter-arguement.
Evolution *HAS* been observed in the lab, and in the field. It is as solidly established as any other branch of science. Why? Because it uses the Scientific Method: Start with OBSERVATION, formulate a HYPOTHESIS, test hyposthesis by making predicitions, see if the predictiions fit newly found data, if it works call it a provisionally correct theory and repeat ad naseum.
Those taking the time to read and learn more about it will not make untrue, inaccurate, and frankly, embarrasing assertions.
For the rest, simply repeat to yourself: "I REFUSE TO BELIEVE... I REFUSE TO BELIEVE..." BTW, this mantra also works for those of you that still prefer a Earth-centric cosmology, and do not accept the "error-filled" Copernican Revolution which flagrantly puts the Sun at the centre of the Solar System ("Helio-Centric"), and puts *nothing* at the centre of god's universe.
~Quotes, of the "A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste" class