smoking meth will make them fall out. in the US meth has passed marijuana in use and is now the number 1 drug abused
Does Smoking Cause Your Teeth To Drop Out?
by Englishman 16 Replies latest jw friends
Both my grandparents were in their late 80s when they died, both had been heavy smokers since their 20s and both were as fit as a fiddle (well for oldies anyway).
Stop you won't have a chance of looking like this later on in life...
I've smoked since I was 16 and have all my teeth no fillings. Being a Jw has affected my teeth far more than smoking. Last time I went to the dentist he pointed out that my teeth are ground down like someone's might be of they were 20 years older than me. Thats because I suffered screaming nightmares 5 nights out of 7 when I left at16 and right on until my late 20's and would be so tense and have ground my teeth to the point that my jaw was agony in the morning and sometimes chips of tooth would be in my mouth.
Maybe it's something in the soil or water in england that makes teeth go crooked or more likely to fall out. Just a thought.
Really, it seems that once you're approaching 50 a life-time of smoking takes it's toll. Plus, I think that lots of smokers just give up on their teeth because they going to get stained anyway and they don't see the point of maintaining them if they're always going to look like crap anyway. When you're younger, the enamel is good so teeth are less porous and clean more easily even if you do smoke. My pal Pete's teeth have just rotted away with all of the cheap cigars that he smokes. His breath smells of old cheese and is quite repellant.
But he's still my pal even if he does smell.
LOL Englishman. One of the stereotypical (sp?) things I have heard about people from England is their bad teeth. Never been there myself.
LOOOOL, its funny, we have the same stereotype about Frenchmen... and the French say that Americans' teeth are white and shiny at the front and decayed at the back because they don't get free dentist care... The world is indeed funny...