The celebration of birthdays is banned by the wts. But from what I have seen from dubs, they actually take it one step further. They wont even acknowledge someones birthday! Like my mother in law wont call my wife and say happy birthday! I can see that they can say giving presents and all is wrong and dont do it, but its just unnatural for everyone to walk around that day and thinking its someones bday and not being able to acknowledge it. I told my wife to call her mother on her birthday and say "mom, isnt it just amazing that that 52 years ago today you were brought into this world"? She wouldnt do it. I am sure the hard core dubs repress their date of birth, maybe they dont even know how old they are!!! If you get together with family on your birthday and dont give gifts and stuff just spend time whats the big deal? The fact that people celebrated birthdays means all people probably did back in bible times. There were 2 mentions of birthdays where bad things happened. But doesnt that mean there were millions of birthdays that were uneventful and everything went fine? Does 2 bad things out of millions of birthdays make them so bad? Obviously the majority of birthdays went great, because there is no mention of them.
Birthdays-How Ridiculous the wts is
by gringojj 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
it's really stupid. as i was never allowed to say "happy birthday" since i was a baby, i still have problems with it at work, because suddenly starting to congratulate would rise a lot of questions and i really don't want to get into that at the moment. my situation here at work is even more confusing for my workmates, as a young brother and friend of mine who also works here always congratulates... lol.
however, me and other young people in my congregation started celebrating each others birthdays some years ago. mainly because of the free drinks at our favourite bar. how fortunate we are! -
Big Dog
Oh its just jacked in the headbone. Simply put it was one of those let's do it to be different things Rutherford the piece of shit may he rot in hell just loved. If everybody else does it we won't which will show how different we are from the world blah, blah, blah.
I told my wife to call her mother on her birthday and say "mom, isnt it just amazing that that 52 years ago today you were brought into this world"? She wouldnt do it.
I did this with my brothers just a few weeks ago. I sent an email that basically said I remembered how awesome it was to become a big sister to them 23 years ago. It took awhile, but one of them actually responded and obviously didn't take offense to it. (The one I was closest to.) The other one didn't respond at all. I made sure to not say Happy Birthday or anything to trip any triggers. My point was to play nice and open a door for future communication. We'll see if it's working.
I do find it interesting though that as children, we were allowed to get birthday presents the day before or the day after our actual birthdays. And only if they weren't wrapped in birthday wrapping. I remember thinking as a teenager, "This is such a scam. This is totally a birthday present, even if it is the day after in brown paper." LOL
I never knew when my parents birthdays were - I don't even know how old they are now. We knew when ours was becase the building society would send us a birthday card which we used to return.
Big Dog
Andi, my mom was the same way, she was pretty much a softie on birthdays when I was a little guy. I think many decent dubs realize just how bleak the landscape is for dub children and bend it a little for them. Birthdays out of the whole lot of celebrations are probably the easiest for them to get around mentally since it doesn't have the big false worship stigma attached to it.
What they forget (or choose not to mention) is the birth of Christ was celebrated, the angels sang, etc... Pharaoh also let one live on his birthday. Killed one let the other live. I'm sure for the guy who didn't get killed, it sure was a good day! Is the day evil or are people evil? carla
Yes, and giving the gift before or after the actual day without wrapping paper always felt flat and fake. I would point out to other Witnesses that they were just trying to get around the rules, but they would deny it. Very depressing.
I was tired of trying to make up special days to celebrate, and my kids never felt what they were supposed to, because it was all so contrived.. I always felt terrible.
I guess because I was raised with birthdays I knew what they were missing out on. When we did start celebrating everything, the feeling was incredible! It was definitely the right decision, and my kids now have some great memories. It was just another way for the WTBS to separate JW and non-JW families.
Funny, my non-JW family didn't shun us when we decided to be normal again-they welcomed us with open arms just like the Prodigal Son parable. JW's could learn alot about true love from "the world".
Just now I heard from my mother for her annual birthday call. She calls me each year to ask if I feel older. Each year I say, "I don't think you are supposed to be saying these things," and she says, "Well it is a fact of life that you were born on this day."
I really don't know how that justifies it, but whatevaaah. I wonder why she doesn't call me on Christmas to say, "Did you notice it's Christmas? It is a fact that it's Christmas." Strange logic.
I wanted so badly to give her the scripture of Job celebrating his birthday, but I'm at work and have to keep quiet about religious topics.
Point is, I believe many JWs are wishy-washy on this subject.
Does 2 bad things out of millions of birthdays make them so bad? Obviously the majority of birthdays went great, because there is no mention of them.
Of course it does. That also means we should not ride in cars or planes, because 2 in a million crash. Oh, wait, I get it. Cars and planes are ok because crashes are not mentioned in the bible. Duh.