So said the lead singer in a Greenwich Village spot called Cafe Wha over the weekend to the delight of a number of (I suppose) JWs that clapped, hooted and hollered!!!
"One Thing About The Jehovah's Witnesses, They Know How To Party & Drink"..
by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends
Hrm...not sure if that's the kind of "fruitage of the spirit" the WTS has in mind. LOL
"fruitage of the spirits".
fleaman uk
Dunno about partying,but they DEFINITELY know how to Drink!!
Its always been so too.
they DEFINITELY know how to Drink!!
Its always been so too.
Well, the prohibition was the work of the devil you know. That's why Judge Rutherdrunk had all that whiskey sent in from Canadian Bethel.
Those drunken bastards sure do know how to drink. Not all that much fun to party with though, more the cut-off-from-society-drinking-to-medicate variety.
Evidently, these JWs left a great impression on the band.
Guessing the Band in some way were associated with those Witlesses!
You are wrong!!!
The JW's don't drink to excess.
I can prove it!!!
At one of my meetings with the BOE before I left the WTBTS I mentioned seeing several of them on different ocassions who were obviously inebriated. They told me in no uncertain terms that I did not see them staggering around all glassy-eyed with a drink/beer in their hand.
See, I told you I could prove it.
German BETHELITES can sure drink a lot of beer - very true