I have a theory about defd, at least, it may apply to a few others as well. Forgive me if this is a known thing already, but I suspect defd is DF'ed...thus the name. If I am right, he is being shunned, and misses being part of the collective. I think whoever said he enjoyed being a "whipping boy" was spot on, too. Combining that with my own theory, I get the picture of someone who comes here because there are a lot of ex dubs here, which is the closest he can get to hanging out with real dubs, and as penitence for whatever he did to get DF'ed, he takes on the Herculean task of arguing with everybody here with no chance of winning...and hopefully getting back into Jehovah's good graces by doing so. Also, having everybody here lash out at his antics gives him a sense of validation because he 'knows' that "now since you have the truth, you will be persecuted".
Just a theory...I could be way off base, but it would sure explain a few things, like why a faithful dub would hang out on an apostate board, strictly against directions from the elders of the [Viet] Cong-gregation.