First of all, that brother in Vienna sounds like frustrated dub looking for ways to sex-up his boring TRROF experience. I know because I moved to an English speaking congregation before I faded away looking for new ways to get excited about the whole WTS thing.
There is something to dubs learning English to get access to some publications. They can then show off in the congregation. And the "TROOF" sounds more exotic in the language different from your mother tounge.
::Whether English is the theocratic language, it certainly seems to be the apostate medium of exchange of choice.
There is a simple explanation for it: English speaking dubs are very close to the HQ, so it's easier for them to see through the lies and scandals. TO give you an example: the UN thing only hit Polish a year ago or so. Of course there was information about it on Polish "apostate" sites earlier than that, but the Branch Office only informed the congreagations (eerrr, I mean Bodies of Elves) recently.