I need phrases or catch cry's to mess with some JWs I know. I want them to know I'm on to them but not appear to obvious.
Catch cry's phrases to stir the pot.
by DelTheFunkyHomosapien 11 Replies latest jw friends
Frannie Banannie
Are you speaking of things like when they don't want to deal with something or do charitable works for their fellow members they always say "Wait on Jehovah?" And then when Jehovah doesn't come thru, because he was waiting on them, they say we must be evil? Surely Jehovah's not helping us is a sign that we're not approved association, thus they've conjured themselves what to them is a legitimate excuse for only giving lip-service to love.
Sort of. More like when something bad is on the news and they mention an armageddon type sentence. I need a sutle come comeback. Things like that.
Frannie Banannie
Oh, they've been bragging that harm-a-gettin' is just around the corner for close to a century, give or take. You could pick most any year, but probably a really good one to mention is 1975, when they got egg all over their faces and denied ever having published anything about harm-a-gettin' then....but they did. Some here can scan copies of their article(s) for you. And now we see that the only ones getting REAL harm is the borganization. It's a shame more jdubs haven't seen "Steppford Wives" and noted the correlation between what was transpiring in the movie to jdub actions.
If i was to mention 75 that would out me too much. I want to be more sutle.
Frannie Banannie
If i was to mention 75 that would out me too much. I want to be more sutle.
Sorry, daFunk. There are some terrific brainiacs on here that can fix you right up. They're so intelligent they're great at subtle. Me? I'm not good at subtle anymore and I wouldn't want to have any part in making your life more miserable than it may already be.
Noel (of the probably too much cajones class)
Appreciate the effort though. I like to see a ball over string unravel as oppossed to soaking it in petrol and dropping a match.
Frannie Banannie
I like to see a ball over string unravel as oppossed to soaking it in petrol and dropping a match.
I guess I'm an arsonist, daFunk, though fire terrifies me. I wrote the Gov. Haughty and accused them of being "hypocrites and white-washed graves" which I knew full well would cause them to dF me. I didn't care. I don't cotton to being anyone's patsy once I find out I've been played for one, tyvm.
If only there was more like you they'd be broke by now. It's nice to have a dream.
Frannie Banannie
If only there was more like you they'd be broke by now. It's nice to have a dream.
I can fully understand why there aren't more like me, daFunk. By saying what I did, I was just telling me like I am. It was not an attempt to demean anyone else's stand or appearance of fence-sitting. You see they'd already destroyed my family and my faith in them. For those who still have loved ones in the borg, they stand a chance of losing contact with them and I don't blame them a bit. It takes much more bravado for them to give the appearance of being faithful, knowing it's a hoax, and it must turn their stomach every time they have to sit and listen to that regurgitated cud.
That's alright, daFunk. I left them with a prophesy which they declared to be false. I told them they would come to ruin for giving lip-service only and that it would be the women who brought it about. Now. In light of silent lambs, how far off base was I? I didn't even KNOW about the pedophilia and rape running rampant in the borg. No, I actually don't think I'm a prophetess, daFunk. What I really think is that I was just better at reading the hand-writing on the wall than they are.