Just a little joke defd. Feel free to make fun of me as much as you want man.
by GetBusyLiving 16 Replies latest jw friends
Just a little joke defd. Feel free to make fun of me as much as you want man.
Sure you do GBL. Sure you do!!!!
The pox on you GBL, I have been sitting in my office all day laughing about this damn post and my secretary thinks I am goofier then she normally does.
Can we get an administrator to lock all the freaks (Hib, JCanon, defd, Brown Boy, minimus) in one thread to see if we can jump start armageddon?
Boy...are you in poop now. Minimus is starting a thread as we speak....
youre a naughty boy GBL (but I like you)
GBL, are you trying to get us all zapped before our appointed time?