Ever had someone threaten to kill you, and mean it? Just happened to me.

by wanderlustguy 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • wanderlustguy

    I just had it happen for the second time in 3 years, today. The first one wasn't that bad, because the guy didn't scare me. The one today...I think might really try. He came into my office today, I was there alone, and I didn't have what he came for. We owe him money for work he did, but he hasn't given us a bill, which I requested. So he gets more and more irate over this, goes into talking about how he used to be a bad man and crap. Our company is set up on Instant Messenger, so I IM'ed our Corp admin and told her to call the police and send them to my office if I didn't respond within 15 mintues...and I started to think that might even be too late. Luckily as the guy was getting closer to me, and more and more irate, (had me cornered in my office) a delivery guy came in, and the guy turned, told the delivery guy "you just saved his ass", and left, shouting "I'll be back".

    I'm filing a police report and taking out a warrant right now, but it's still enough to shake you up.

    Y'know, sometimes I think I'm crazy...then I meet somebody that makes me think I'm pretty OK.


  • upside/down


    u/d(of the I've breathed threat before...and ended up in big trouble...class)

  • diamondblue1974

    Jeez. Sounds like real unhinged kinda guy...get an injunction (restraining order).



  • Finally-Free
    We owe him money for work he did, but he hasn't given us a bill, which I requested.

    I won't pay someone without receiving a bill either. That's just common sense.

    I was threatened a few times, and someone tried it once. It didn't work.


  • not the administrator
    not the administrator

    happens all the time. Ive got 17 stitches in my neck from a guy who was pretty serious about it. i kind of like it when i get a scare like that well not really like it but when you start shaking a little it at leasts lets you know your alive and gives you some respect for life.

  • rebel8

    Oh gawd. Good thing for the delivery guy!

    I did have someone threaten and mean it--a mentally ill employee I had to fire. She was later convicted by trial. Good times.

  • blondie
    I won't pay someone without receiving a bill either

    Sounds like he wants to be paid "under the table."

  • wanderlustguy
    shaking a little it at leasts lets you know your alive and gives you some respect for life.

    Yea, this is true. Makes me mad at myself for not being in better shape than I am these days...back to the gym!!! Physically I'm not nearly as strong or agile as I was since I'm more of an Executive now (stop yer damn snickerin'!), and this dude spends every day outside lugging around a 75lb ladder.

    That's MISTER weenee to you!

  • wanderlustguy

    Oh OK, I see how it is?!?!?

    Somebody threatens to KILL the Wanderlustguy, and you guys just read it and then move along like nothing happened? Tha'ts it, I'm going back to the meetings!

  • JH

    Wanderlustguy, try to make it to Jedi master, before anyone kills you.

    Set your priorities straight.


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