When your 26 yr old son calls mom to tell him his microwave must be broke because it is arcing waves back and forth ,and the mom says " son what was in the microwave when this happened ? Son says" nothing , Mom Says" what do you mean nothing ,you can't run a microwave with nothing in it " Son says " well how else do you preheat them
You know you've done something wrong as a parent,,,,,,
by kls 23 Replies latest social family
Monkey see monkey do.
Now don't do that monkey, hear!!!
Ya Ezek, thats kind what i am thinking
horrible life
When your child is on the internet Instant Messinging, and a older teenage boy corrects her spelling. We are from South Oklahoma, I know we have a small accent, but she said something about her High Hills. He asked what High hills are in Oklahoma. She said the high hills she wore to the dance. She really thought that is how you spelled it. She is an A-B student. We need to study harder.
I was embarresed. HL
I recommend sterilization...
The dumb gene runs strong in this one...
Is he a blonde monkey? LOL!
She said the high hills she wore to the dance. She really thought that is how you spelled it. She is an A-B student. We need to study harder.
Hee hee , i am starting to feel a little better,thanks HF
Well except for the time my daughter called and asked how to boil a Hotdog instead of microwaving it
Is he a blonde monkey? LOL!
Why yes U/D he is ,,,,,,,,why you askingNevermind ,i know.
Hah hah! When I was 19, I dated a girl, also 19, who tried making us spaghetti... once. She took the hamburger meat and placed it in the sauce pan. Then, without first, you know, browning the meat, she dumped in the spaghetti sauce.
I sort of smiled and said,"Hon? How are we going to tell when the meat is done?"
Poor little rich girl had never been taught the basics. She was very embarassed an a bit defensive when I taught her the "trick" to making spaghetti.
Two weeks after I left home to pursue my dreams, my twentysomething son calls in a panic:
He: "Mom, the washing machine stopped working and the dryer is making a funny noise."
Me: "Did you check the lint trap?"
He: "What's the lint trap?"