Can someone clear this up? In previous threads many of you tell how your family members truly believe that you will be destroyed and not make it into paradise. This is repeated over and over, here and on other boards. Is this in fact doctrine? I know, they give lip service to 'we don't know who will make it', but it seems they all pretty much do believe only jw's in good standing get into paradise. Asking husband a number of times now how that would be paradise, meaning all your family dead (no jw's family or friends) he says he doesn't believe that and they don't teach that. Is it possible he hasn't gottent to that part yet? Is he just lying? wishful thinking? holding out hope we all will join up? WTF? carla
by carla 11 Replies latest jw friends
I'm pretty sure he knows this, least I'd assume so. I think that a lot of us would kind of refuse to acknowledge this aspect of the whole marvy Paradise hope at first. I know it wasn't something I talked about a lot with my unbelieving relatives. Sounds kind of crappy, you know? Your hope is that maybe there will be some more "new light" and somehow this dire fate will not be visited upon your non-dub family...or you hope you will be able to convert them in time.
I don't have quotes or anything at hand, but the general idea is that only members of Gods true organization (JWs) will live through the Great Tribulation and Armegeddon...and even then your survival isn't totally certain if you aren't strong in the "truth" or have sinned against the Holy Spirit somehow. I think this is to prevent people from thinking they can be baptised, not do much or even fade out, and still be in line for the gift of everlasting life.
Anybody alive at the time Armegeddon goes down is judged as either righteous and deserving of life in Paradise or unrighteous and deserving of everlasting destruction. This is because they supposedly have been witnessed to, know the choices and the consequences of those choices, have seen how terrible and bad the world has become, and have made the informed decision not to join Jah's happy drones thereby rejecting Jehovah.
People that have died prior to the big A will (most likely...some will have already been judged...folks from Sodom and Gomorrah, Adam and Eve...actually, I don't remember their status at the moment. It changes from time to time) have another chance. At some point they will be ressurected in the "new system" and will have the opportunity to make the choice between following Jehovah and life or Satan and death.
Young unbaptised children who have at least one dubby parent get a free pass...but at what age they are considered responsible for their own salvation is something of mystery.
This is my understanding of the Paradise carrot. Of course, I haven't been to a meeting in four years, so they may have changed some of it.
what luna says is still the current understandig.
There is some room for people who are ignorant to survive. The literature is never reallt clear about it and different JW's have different opinions on that. It is accepted that peolpe in the past who did not know anything will be resuurected.
However apostates are the worst of them all. People who know they truth but don't act like it. They haven't got a chance.
Wages of Sin etc........surely the preaching work would be in the 'Last Days' - the preaching work 100 years ago was to the ''Already Guaranteed A Resurrection' crowd, whether they liked it or not.
So, there are differing opinions on this matter. umm, what about 'unity'? we all believe the same thing? carla
The gaps get plugged with "as the end gets closer, we'll get brighter light" or "the details don't really matter, each one of us is responsible for our own choices....You know what YOU have to do!" type stuff.
It's such a strong reward...and one of the only positive things (even with that pesky negative part about all non dubs being slaughtered) Witnesses have to look forward to. Most people want to live on in some fashion, whether it's by being reincarnated, having the soul go on to another plane of existance, or actually living forever in a rejuvinated human body like the JWs. I still catch myself thinking about living forever...old mental patterns I guess.
In previous threads many of you tell how your family members truly believe that you will be destroyed and not make it into paradise. This is repeated over and over, here and on other boards. Is this in fact doctrine? I know, they give lip service to 'we don't know who will make it', but it seems they all pretty much do believe only jw's in good standing get into paradise.
The only requirement for making it through Armageddon and into Paradise, is attending 5 meetings a week and get a minimum of 10 hours of
coffee breaksService in each month. -
so true. if being a JW in good standing did not matter, then no one would be very worried about it right?
it basically works like this:
"we don't know who will be there. but the bible says the wicked will be destroyed at the battle of the great day. so don't be wicked, be a good JW, which means lots of field service and meeting attendance. however, all who have died will be ressurected and given a second chance, as the wages sin pays is death, except for especially wicked people like hitler. they will be resurrected to just be notified of their eternal death sentence."
they're so full of it. i wish my friends and family would just think about it!
I'm a non-witness and I can't get my wife to admit that she believes I will be destroyed at armageddon and won't live in paradise. She gives the non-judgmental explanation of nobody knows, each will be accountable for their own life, etc. It makes me want to scream - IF THAT IS WHAT YOU BELIEVE THEN WHY ARE YOU DEDICATING YOUR MIND BODY AND SOUL TO THE ORGANIZATION?!!! WHY DO YOU FOLLOW TO THE LETTER EVERYTHING THAT THE ORGANIZATION TEACHES? WHY HAVE YOU ISOLATED YOURSELF FROM EVERY PERSON WHO IS NOT JW?!! WHY ARE YOU IN FIELD SERVICE TODAY? WHY DID YOU TELL ME THAT IF OUR DAUGHTER WAS IN THE ER AND NEEDED A BLOOD TRANSFUSION YOU WOULD NOT AUTHORIZE IT?!!! According to your religion, I'm a bad association. ADMIT IT. Admit that our daughter is being taught all of these things.
He is lying. He knows that what he is lead to believe