Janitor real life story about 911 building collaspe

by skyman 10 Replies latest social current

  • skyman

    http://www.arcticbeacon.com/articles/article/1518131/28031.htmThis story is worth reading if you are opened minded. It made me think. Wow if this is true the WORLD should rock at it foundation demand the TRUTH!!!

  • Satanus

    There are other people who are on record for explosions in the subbasement concurent or before the crash. I saw the interview of an italian construction guy who gave his eyewitness account.


  • skyman

    I have tried to stay awy from conspiracy theory's but there is the solid sound of truth here.

  • BrendaCloutier

    And another unnamed janitor saw Elvis leave the second tower just before the plane hit....

    I dunno. He believes what he felt. It would only take seconds for a fireball to shoot down the elevator and riser shafts and burst thru access doors in the basement. The explosions he felt could have been from the other tower.



  • Satanus


    It would only take seconds for a fireball to shoot down the elevator and riser shafts and burst thru access doors in the basement. The explosions he felt could have been from the other tower.

    That shouldn't be hard to prove.


  • Kenneson

    So, a jetliner (not a small plane nor a missle) did hit the WTC after all. Well, at least, they got that part right!

  • Soledad

    hmmmm.......I don't know. Since that day there has been an endless barrage of conspiracy theories, reports of explosives in the sub-levels, explosives on all bridges and tunnels, chemical weapons......it's almost endless.

    It’s a miracle Rodriguez, 44, who worked at the WTC for 20 years, is even alive. Usually arriving to work at 8:00am, the morning of 9/11 he reported 30 minutes late. If he’d arrived on time, it would have put him at the top floors just about the same time the jetliner hit the north tower.

    "It was a miracle. If I arrived on time, like always, I’d probably be dead. I would have been up at the top floors like every morning," said Rodriguez about the quirk of fate that saved his life.

    I have heard so many people say this, and these are the same ones who swear up and down that there were explosives. Why is that?

  • the_classicist

    Americans do enjoy conspiracy theories...

    I think they would use the explosives to "prove" the government was in on it or something like that.

  • gespro

    You think this is something...check out the Pentagon conspiracy theories, which reminds me; does anyone remember what hit the Pentagon?

  • the_classicist
    does anyone remember what hit the Pentagon?

    Apparently an airplane.

    And another one was crashed outside of Pensylvannia(?).

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