Dear Fellow Posters, We are pleased to advise that Mrs Ozzie has qualified to serve in the polltaking department. How pleased we are to see true posters reaching out for further privileges of posting! It behooves all true posters to 'watch how they post', doing so in full recognition that we do so in theselustlast days of posting. Yes, these times are urgent and so Mrs Ozzie's poll is available this weekend. Yo ur fellow posters, Ozzie & Posters Society
G'day all!
As this is District Convention season, we have this topical poll question for you this weekend, brought to you by Mrs Ozzie:
After the experiences session, how did you feel?
1. Encouraged
2. Challenged
3. Guilty
4. Inferior
5. "Oh no, here we go again!"
6. "Sounds good but I know how it really was."
7. "Did they really say that?"
8. Embarrassed
9. Try hards!
10. Other (please detail)
So there you have something to reminisce about - inspired by Mrs Ozzie.
Let's know what you think.
Cheers, Ozzie (permanently upside-down class)
Freedom means not having to wear a tie.