I just really need to vent here.........I'm just so f**king tired of never having any extra money!! All's I do is work to pay god damn bills......I just checked the balance on my chequing acct. and I've got just under $900.00 to last me three weeks. While I should be okay, I'm just pissed off that it's virtually impossible for me to ever get ahead. My car payment is $328.00 a month, my insurance is $175.00 a month----which infuriates me to no end. I've been driving since I was 17 years old, have had no major accidents yet I'm paying a fortune in insurance thanks to the car insurance in Ontario which is the biggest rip off in the country according to the Toronto Star the other day. I had a minor accident 5 years ago (which wasn't my fault, but that makes absolutely no difference here in Ontario) and my insurance went from $60.00 a month to $120.00 a month.!
You can forget trying to switch to another insurance company because they're all in cahoots with each other to see who can rip you off the most. Then after 9-11, my insurance went up AGAIN to $140.00 a month. Apparently, it was two cars that hit the World Trade Center, not two planes, so the insurance scammers could justify the increase.
Between my car payment, the insurance and the cost of gasoline, I'm shelling out over $600.00 a month just for transportation. I'm single so there's no second income coming in----whatever I buy, I have to pay for myself. I'm not extravagent by any means---I don't smoke, do drugs and I'm not an alcoholic, although I can certainly understand why some people are.......I buy ALL my clothes at second hand stores and I make my own lunches and coffee to take to work. I only owe about $80.00 on my Visa thank god and I've got some $$ in RRSPs, but I'm just sick to death of paying, paying, paying so that rich people can get frigging richer. Bastards!
Anyway, if you really want to make me feel better, please post your story of woe on here, so that I can see I don't have it so bad after all. I considered giving prostitution a whirl-------but I figure there's gotta be an easier way for me to get my hands on ten bucks.......ya I'm tryin to keep my sense of humour here, but it gets hard sometimes.........
There......now I feel better!