After you got from behind the barrier that was keeping you from thinking logically and had removed the blinders that prevented you from processing information using common sense rather than the 2000+ year old superstitions of some nomadic goat-herders, did you start to find that religious-centric or god-related statements made you shake your head in incredulity?
Case in point: just yesterday as I watched the 5:00 news, a story came on about a young man who had moved from here to California. While in California he died but the family was so poor they could not afford to have the body shipped back to New Orleans. They interviewed the distraught family members and friends who said that since they couldn't find the money to pay for shipping the body home they'd just have to pray and ask god to intervene. (Pretty standard religious-centric stuff...)
This caught my new, more sensitive attention (the talk about god) so I paid closer attention. Yep, as luck would have it god intervened! The New Orleans Saints football team gathered the required money and not only paid for the body to be returned but for funeral expenses too. Pan to the overjoyed family group squealing with excitement and tearfully expressing how their god had not let them down.
Say what? It was the Saints football team who footed the bill. If they were so close with god why hasn't he seen fit to give them a little more luck on the playing field and/or to have possibly made a playoff contention at least once in over 35 years?!?! Why does god allow them to suck so much? And the family. If god was doing such a bang-up job of watching their backs why did he allow the young man to die in the first place? I know this opens up a whole new springboard for argument but that wasn't my intention here.
I find myself listening to the everyday stories that have a god component with such a different perspective nowadays. It is so illogical (Like Mr. Spock on Star Trek would undoubtedly feel.) and counter-intuitive. Ask god for help and he magically motivates a football team to pony up the bucks. Why hasn't he answered a few prayers along the way to improve their less-than-stellar performance on the field? Why so damn selective? And why not just give credit to the team for being nice guys?
Yeah, I know "god answers prayers but sometimes his answer is 'no!'" or we can't know the mind of god or that he works in mysterious ways. But how about a playoff? And why didn't he pay just a little closer attention to the guy who died? Why wait this long to tend to his needs? Day late and a dollar short to my way of thinking.
Guy dies. Family can't afford to retrieve the body. Professional football team comes to the rescue. God gets the credit. But the Saints paid the money and the guy is still dead. This kinda stinks...
Do others find they are processing these type stories completely in a new light (no pun intended) now? Just curious because every mention of the word god these days causes my mind to spasm.