...my Nephew and it's a very bad thing.
What is a 'Momma's Boy'...
by jeanniebeanz 43 Replies latest jw friends
Not to sound brutish, but I didn't raise a momma's boy.
Oh and YES, its a very bad thing.
Nothing turns me of quicker than a man who takes his washing home to mum. Its pathetic.
i think almost all men are mama's boys just like all women are daddy's girls.
well, i dont know really.
just a guess
it may or may not be true.
We can find distressing to say yes to some things that we should clearly say no to.
Very true statement. Another problem I think is that the emotional attachment to the opposite sex forms much quicker...and is harder to do without, i.e. extremely short time spans between relationships...and a fear of being alone.
I do have an extremely close bond with my mother, but there are times we don't speak for months, and don't see each other for years, but there is a stong emotional bond there. She calls me when she is at her worst, and I do the same. She was only 17 when she had me, and strangely enough we are at the same place in life professionally and even realtionship wise. She had a lot of trauma in her life as well as a fair share of bad people, and started realizing it wasn't something wrong with her about the same time I was "awakening" myself.
But...no one understands us like we do each other, we can say whatever we want, whenever we want and neither will get offended...it's kinda cool. But there has never been any intrusion in any of my relationships, and usually the other person in it with me wants to "keep" me. So I don't think it's a hindrance to dating or relationships in the terms of getting people to be interested. I think it hurts me because I'm so anxious to share so many things about me and my thoughts with someone else besides my mom, I overlook issues with the relationship early on, not addressing them until it's more difficult to end the situation.
OK, maybe that came out gibberish...but I reread it and can't figure out a better way to say what I'm thinking here.
Maybe but daddies dont do the washing, ironing and cooking for their daughters.
mitch does the clothes and i do the cooking and we were both mama's boys.
Good for you JB.
In my book a mummys boy is one who is still physically dependent on mum for basic things, even when he can do them himself as an adult. (one who in all likelihood will transfer those jobs straight from his mum onto his wife and never learn to do them himself).
So I guess you dont count as a mummys boy in my book.
Nothing turns me of quicker than a man who takes his washing home to mum. Its pathetic.
Agreed. However, my Mum, sorry, Mommy, waits for me or my kid brother to go around to mend the car, mow the lawn, clean the windows and oil the hinges.
Is this one way traffic that we're advocating here?
i think almost all men are mama's boys just like all women are daddy's girls.
Nah, have to disagree with that one. Not every girl/woman is a daddy's girl, I know I sure wasn't.