Has Evolution Made A Monkey Out Of You? For those who are interested.
AUGUST 7TH 9PM/ 8C. The History Channel. History.com. Tonight, it should be interesting. Something to discuss after the showing.
by Blueblades 18 Replies latest jw friends
Has Evolution Made A Monkey Out Of You? For those who are interested.
AUGUST 7TH 9PM/ 8C. The History Channel. History.com. Tonight, it should be interesting. Something to discuss after the showing.
Has Evolution Made A Monkey Out Of You?
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Could be.
Too bad it's on the American not the Canadian History Channel.
we are apes. the differentiation between "man" and "ape" is only an emotional one, not a technical one.
but apart from that major oversight of editing, it looks like a very cool show!
It wasn't that informative , same material repeated before, they advertized it as new, nothing new here, wasted two hours.
I watched it with my 15 year old son.
The reinactments of the major discoveries of fossils made me blush with embarassment!
I swear it looks bogus.
People walking along or driving along who just happen to spot a teeny weeny protuberance below the surface of the soil INSTANTLY become aware of what they are spying? Huh?
How lucky all these incredible finds just happen to peek through enough to be discovered by the sharpest eyed specimens of humanity on two legs! Gosh, what if the wind blew the soil over them just a teeny bit? Our entire theoretical structure would be vastly different.
It smells to me.
I take the same attitude toward Evolution that I do of Religion: agnosticism. I just DON'T KNOW.
i did not get to see it as i live in canada. doesn't look like i missed much. oh well.
I take the same attitude toward Evolution that I do of Religion: agnosticism. ; I just DON'T KNOW.
are you serious? the same attitude? one is backed up by evidence, and the other is a tautology.
same attitude toward Evolution that I do of Religion: agnosticism. I just DON'T KNOW.
I'm only surprised because of who said this, that's meant as a compliment
From what I can tell, 'evolution' is not just one thing that is right or wrong, true or false - that's looking at it as if it were a religion. I too can be agnostic about particular theories, until there is enough evidence.
Personally I can't lump all evolution into something to accept or reject - it just doesn't seem to work like that. All science, including what is currently known as 'evolution' is in constant flux as more and more evidence leads us to adjust, replace, or reject former understandings.
Here is my problem. When I was first confronted with religion (by a JW) he knew more than I and I was defenseless. He wove a reasonable (?) tale and my study, from that point forward, was limited to JW reference material.
With Evolution I'm not a scientist. Hence, I must rely on what I read. But, likewise it depends on who I read what sounds reasonable.
I am not intellectually qualified to make a judgement beyond what APPEARS to be true.
Evolution appears to be a reasonable description backed up by the KNOWN data. Yet, there is so much unknown to BE known!
The theory turns on the dime of what is found.
Hence, I can't say I KNOW.
I think it is a vastly superior explanation of the known facts when compared to the Bible or religion.
That is as far as I can go, honestly.