"Some Things To Bear In Mind Regarding Apostates"

by Hellrider 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Hellrider

    The books of Russel and Rutherford can be read online on this website (link provided by Blondie, thnx):


    ...now, heres the fun part: The website is run by a faithful JW, and his motivation for publishing these books, is that these books can also be read at "apostate" websites. So, it is to prevent young, faithful witnoids from visiting apostate websites that he is providing this "spiritual food". And this is what he has to say about "apostate websites" (barf alert):

    "Some Things To Bear In Mind Regarding Apostates

    If you were to do a search on the internet for the writings of Charles Taze Russell, it is likely you would arrive at sites of apostate origin. True, they will have the writings on their site but often these sites use the opportunity to attack modern Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watch Tower Society. It is worth bearing in mind that: They will rarely - if ever - discuss doctrine. They tend to focus on the areas of personal attack, or attack 'controversial' topics. Very often, I suspect, these are areas in which the site's author has particular difficulty. For instance, it may be that they do not like preaching from house-to-house, so efforts are made to try to show that such a practice is unnecessary - or even unscriptural. Perhaps they have been disfellowshipped; then they try to show that this scriptural practice is somehow wrong. The most common areas seem to be:

    • Disfellowshipping
    • Blood transfusion
    • The authority of the Watch Tower Society
    • Child abuse issues
    • Are Jehovah's Witnesses prophets?

    Yet, while they are trying to focus attention on these matters, they ignore the fact that the beliefs of Jehovah's witnesses are based on the Bible. While they attempt to focus your mind on these subject, please bear in mind the following:

    • Where did you learn the truth from the Bible? From the churches?
    • Where do you see genuine love in action?
    • Where do you see the Bible's moral standards being enforced?

    Let us briefly examine these points:
    Did the churches teach you the truth about the soul? hell? the Trinity? Of course not! They have consistently taught untruth regarding these topics. They downgrade the Bible's authority in favour of traditional teachings.
    Genuine love is seen in the congregations of Jehovah's witnesses, and in their worldwide organization. Do the churches support war? Yes!! Are they divided by nationalism? Yes!!
    Do the churches support the Bible's moral standards? No!! Consider the subjects of homosexuality, abortion, sexual activity outside marriage. Only Jehovah's witnesses consistently apply Bible standards of behaviour wherever in the world you are.
    And one other point to consider - Jehovah's witnesses make Bible literature available in many languages at no charge. Why? To make profits? Hardly! Obviously from an altruistic motive - to help people apply the Bible in their life, and to have a good relationship with God. Do you see the churches rushing to make their literature available free of charge? or their ministers serving without charge? No!

    It is evident that the apostate sites are not interested in truth, only with trying to attack the Watch Tower Society on other matters. It is rather like someone refusing to discuss your personal beliefs, but pointing to some supposed indiscretion of yours to try to discredit you in the eyes of others. Whether or not you made a mistake in the past is not the important point, it is what are you doing now that matters. How would you view such a person who consistently tried to blacken your character? I'm sure you would not seek out their company! Treat apostate sites the same way."

    So, there you have it folks, "words of wizdom" from the Watchtower. I particularly liked the " They will rarely - if ever - discuss doctrine" - comment. I`d say discussing doctrine takes up at least 50% of this website.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    I wonder if the Society know they have a member providing a link to what is now apostate material?

  • MidwichCuckoo
    it may be that they do not like preaching from house-to-house

    ...and it's the highlight of every faithful dub's day?

    Genuine love is seen in the congregations of Jehovah's witnesses

    I must have missed that.

  • LongHairGal


    The reason this article makes me angry is that it uses diversionary tactics to take the questioner away from the points addressed in the first place.

    They feel that because they have supposedly "enlightened" everybody about the trinity, moral standards and have given "genuine love" that is supposed to shut everybody up about what is wrong with them and make you not see these major flaws.

  • minimus

    I'd be happy to just stick talking about current Watchtower views. This JW thinks we only look at the past history. What I would say though, is, look at the whole history---past and present. If you were around a manipulating liar that has a proven track record, that always justified themselves and never humbly fully apologized for their behavior----would YOU "seek out their company"? ........Not me, either.

  • rebel8

    hmmm....I think that is what the Wizard of Oz granted to the scarecrow.

  • Hellrider

    Absolutely, Minimus! He tries to present his case to be "we`we tried discussing these things with them, but they`re only interested in...erhm, past mistakes! They`re not interested in discussing current doctrine". And that`s just such rubbish. I`d gladly discuss current doctrine with them anyday, but that`s kind of hard when they don`t dare come around "apostate" forums.

    They feel that because they have supposedly "enlightened" everybody about the trinity, moral standards and have given "genuine love" that is supposed to shut everybody up about what is wrong with them and make you not see these major flaws.

    Yeah, Longhairgal. And one more thing, like this sentence:

    Let us briefly examine these points:

    Did the churches teach you the truth about the soul? hell? the Trinity? Of course not! They have consistently taught untruth regarding these topics. They downgrade the Bible's authority in favour of traditional teachings.

    Typical JW tactics and watchtower-language. The sentences are constructed to say "we are right about the doctrines of trinity, hell, and even the rest of christianity knows it, but refuse to change them, due to tradition". That`s so dishonest. The rest of christianity sticks with the trinity-doctrine and the soul because the Bible clearly indicates that this is the right way of looking at it. And I`d gladly discuss these things with them too,and so would many on this forum, but they have not, nor have they ever had, the intention of discussing these things with people that actually knows what the Bible (the real Bible, not that piece of toilet paper they call the NWT) says.

    And MidwichCuckoo: Yes, I think I missed out on the "christian love"-part too. What I used to get was Armageddon and demons-propaganda, and tons of it, from even before I learned to speak. But now I can speak. Where are you, JWs? I`d like to discuss "current doctrine" with you!

  • jeeprube

    All the guy is doing is tapping into the careful programming every JW carries around. It is not true that JW's are the only ones who have love among themselves, but every JW holds to this belief. By even mentioning it, he also triggers a fear of losing such love through disfellowshipping. It's classic mind control.

    I really love the comparison between the WTBTS and someone having something bad from they're past brought up to discredit them. I used to use that very logic when I argued FOR JW's on the net. It is true that bringing up past wrongs of a NORMAL PERSON, to discredit what they say today; may be unfair. BUT, the WTBTS is no NORMAL PERSON. Rather they have set themselves up as the moutpiece of JEHOVAH. Therefore, any wrong teaching of their's from the past is VERY relevent as to whether or not they hold any present credibility.

    But that simple logic is denied to a JW.

    The more research I do, the sadder this situation becomes to me.

  • minimus

    This guy should be turned into his elders and the Society for [punishment. He must think HE'S special because the WT. does not approve of his site. Condescending bastard.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    i would bet at least ten dollars that this is an official jw website, masked as a faithful servant of jehovah. sometimes it's best to hear some words of encouragement from someone who is in the same predicament as you. if you are an R&F witness reading that, you feel like he is the same as you and maybe even had the same doubts until he "evaluated the evidence." it has to be set up by the FDS

    bethel minute


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