No, they were hellians! I know there's not much difference.
I found them out in my father's workshop passing around a joint and drinking his beer. They had no concern that he could walk in at any minute and bust 'em. One kid was feeling up his girlfriend right in front of everyone, and they just sat there like it was normal.
When I was that age we at least took our girlfriends around the back of the workshop for some privacy.
Uniforms are so cool - do you know how smart a school looks when they compete against others and you have a stadium filled of uniforms. It definately adds to the "pride" of your school. I know when I was at school we always had to look good, you couldn't just wear a jersey, you had to wear your blazer jacket.
I think it's a lot more disciplined & you don't have kids going wild and trying to show more and more of their bodies....