Golf wrote:
I came across this article, "Evolution vs. Intelligent Design."
You forgot the : in the link, but anyway I looked it up.
It has nothing to do with the discussion in this thread
that it is atheism which is destroying true science, not religion.
Yea, sure
Also, there is no factual basis to evolution. No scientist has been able to mate a monkey and a human being and get something in between.
Ha ha ha ha. Someone does not understand evolution here....
Thus, according to Darwin, species continue to change or “evolve,” through a process of natural selection in which nature’s harsh conditions permit only the fittest to survive in more adaptable forms. But a funny thing happened on the way to the 20th century. The elite fittest are not having enough children to see that their tribe increases, while the so-called unfittest all over the globe are having kids like crazy.
It depends what you call fittest.
Anyway we limit the evolution that is going on now.
Intelligent design is certainly proven by the fact that every living organism lives through a programmed cycle of birth, growth, and finally death. That very specific program is contained in the tiniest embryo at the time of conception. The embryo of a cow probably does not look any different from the embryo of a human being. But each has been programmed differently: one creates a cow, the other a human being. In the case of the latter, that tiny embryo contains an incredibly complex biological program that causes the individual to be born, pass through infancy and childhood, develop into maturity, middle-age, old age, and finally death, a process that takes sometimes as much as a hundred years. How can an accident plan what is going to happen 100 years after it has happened?
proven, right....
This reasoning is so wrong, I am not even going to start....
But since intelligent design infers the existence of a designer—God—it is likely that evolutionists will resist any change in their views, since the acknowledgment of the existence of God is too nightmarish for them to contemplate.
Actually I would wish for a God. But that does not make it so......
One more thing: why are creationnist always posting and running away scared for any discussion?