do you think it's funny?
Not when seniors fall or kids or anything but when someone wipes out spectaculary and doesn't hurt themselves do you find it funny?
Last week my boyfriend was helping his brother build a deck. The brother stepped on an unnailed board, sailed thru the air in slow motion waving his arms and crashed dramatic-like to the ground. Once we realized that he hadn't broken his leg ( although he had a nasty bruise the next day ) we lost it and laughed until tears were rolling down our cheeks. I think it's the slow motion image that does it along with the "aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh" followed by the " uuuuupppmmmmmm" as they hit the ground.
I'm bad and I'm going to hell for this aren't I? To keep things fair I also giggle uncontrollably whenever I fall as well. Which is often as I'm clumsy and uncoordinated