I could use some help........need to get it right 1st time.

by BLISSISIGNORANCE 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Hi everyone. It's been ages since I have posted anything on the forum. I guess life outside the borg is busy and rewarding!

    To get straight to the point, my daughter rang me today to tell me her boyfriend's step dad (an inactive dub for many years........1st time I'ld heard) was studying again and was moving toward going back to the borg. Her boyfriend's mum has been living with him for years and building a house together. Since her return from a trip, he has told her he wants to marry her and has moved to another bedroom (wants to do the right thing!)

    She is understandably freaking outShe got my work phone number and rang me immediately. She needs info about anything at all to get him thinking. I will tell her a bit about the dub doctrines and then give her some facts otherwise. But can I get QUICK links to documents such as the UN letters etc, the tobacco and weapons shares, the WTS wealth etc, etc. I guess I'm cheating and trying to get a collective brain storm, the more the better.

    I would really appreciate any help.............it has to be by Friday, when she will come over to my home.

    Thanks in anticipation friends.

    cheers Bliss

  • Cygnus

    Gee, I would hazard a guess that the Freeminds site would contain all the relevant info you seek.

  • ozziepost


    The most powerful is your own story. You can tell it eloquently and with passion!

    Now who, after listening to it, could fail to agree that there's something mighty wrong in the borg? It's the most powerful story you could tell.

    So that's my advice - tell your story, anything else will be secondhand in comparison.

    BTW I haven't forgotten the shiraz date!!!

    Cheers to you and Mr Bliss,



    ty Ozzie.

    it's still a date..............now we have a guest's room for all our drinking buddies who prefer not to drive after a good night.

    enough people in this city for a nice fest now.

    love to you and mrs ozzie

    cheers, bliss

  • ozziepost

    A fest! A fest! Oooh, I luv a fest!

    Wot'll ya call it - Cannyfest?

    Wot'll ya call it - Cannyfest?

    sounds good to me

  • rebel8
    But can I get QUICK links to documents such as the UN letters etc, the tobacco and weapons shares, the WTS wealth etc, etc. I guess I'm cheating and trying to get a collective brain storm, the more the better.

    www.jwinfo.50megs.com Navigate to "info about JWs" section and scroll down. All you asked for is there.

  • Goldminer

    Sounds like you have a lot of info to work with,I truly hope you succeed.I wish someone had done something like this for me 10 years ago when I foolishly returned to the "truth".I now rank that as the most stupid thing I ever did.Part of the problem was that I wasn't educated enough on the WTS' history and the lies that they promote as truth.

    Anyways,good luck and please keep us posted.


  • Alwayshere

    Bliss, Don't know the links but go to SEARCH on your computer and type in The Watchtower & cigarette company. That might work. Also for the UN type in Jehovah's Witnesses link to Un and if you didn't know about the organization owning 51% of a company that makes War Weapons type in Watchtower's Investments in Warfare Technology. Hope this helps.

  • EvilForce

    I find the quotes.ca site good too. It's amazing how much the doctrine has flip flopped over the years. Can God's true borg be this indecisive?

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