Paging George Bush: Mick Jagger on line one.

by SixofNine 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    "You call yourself a Christian, I call you a hypocrite/You call yourself a patriot, well I think you're full of sh*t."

    Speaking to Newsweek, Jagger explained the background to the track. "It is direct. Keith said (adopting Richards' voice), 'It's not really metaphorical.'

    lol, I love that: "it's not really metaphorical"

  • SixofNine

    ttt. For the children.

  • FMZ

    I laughed my ass off at this, can just imagine Richards saying something like that.

    I was tempted to not reply to this one Sixy.. lol. It's good to know I'm not the only one with failed threads.. hehehe


  • LittleToe

    Define "fail"

  • SixofNine

    After all, I may only get two topics per day, but I get 75 bttt's. :-D

  • Texas Apostate
    Texas Apostate

    Mick Jagger is still alive?!?!?

    Praise allah

  • SixofNine

    "Allah" being the counterpoint to your god "Bush"?

  • Satanus

    Is this in a new song of theirs?


  • Cygnus

    I've always loved Mick. Sometimes on Yahoo messenger these lyrics from Pantera are my status:

    "Give me alcohol extremeties
    Instead of proofless christianity
    Drunked up in a coma place
    Critics disgusted, but a smile on my f*****g face
    I do anything that I want
    And I get everything that I ask
    And if this message bothers you, you know
    Just kiss my f*****g ass hole"

    (Taken from 2000's Reinventing the Steel, song: Uplift)

    Edited to add: 25 replies and 1 topic a day is not enough for me. What's up with this software anyway? I just made this post 5 minutes ago and the Editing Limit says the post was made 4 hours ago.
    Reedited to add: And, somehow the lyrics I posted got spaced apart by this software so I fixed it (I hope).
    Last edit: I personally haven't been drunk in a long time, I just dig the lyrics.

  • Texas Apostate
    Texas Apostate
    "Allah" being the counterpoint to your god "Bush"?

    Bushit as my dog? Nah. He's to liberal for me. Besides he's just a figurehead of the oliogarchy we live with. There was a time that I like the guy, hell admired him even, But i've come to understand that he's just another empty suit filling the presidency. And while i would love to sit here and explain my comments, with lots of whit and charm as you do, I just don't have the time or vanity to do so. Lets just say its amusing to see you get your panties in a twist when one of you trigger words come up. Such as: ahhh... why even list them, i'm sure you know which ones they are. You entertain me.

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