Being the blabbermouth that he is, he has bummed one of my threads to announce that today is the seven year anniversary of his DA'ing.
Tell us about it, Elsewhere . . . unless you're over your post limit also.
by pennycandy 10 Replies latest jw friends
Being the blabbermouth that he is, he has bummed one of my threads to announce that today is the seven year anniversary of his DA'ing.
Tell us about it, Elsewhere . . . unless you're over your post limit also.
Else, hon, glad you're here and no longer there!
Wow! I bet it went by quickly. I'm glad you're here. Who else would post suggestive pictures for me?
Thanks PC!
I wasted my daily limit on threads by posting about fluff... so I had to bum one from PC!
Yup! Today I'm seven years old! On August 9th 1998 I formally submitted my letter of Disassociation... the best decision I ever made. FREEDOM!
Unfortunately my JW family and friends all decided that they would shun me unless I had the same religion they had. I guess JWs really aren't as opposed to religious discrimination as they claim.
Who else would post suggestive pictures for me?Awww shucks... t'ain't nuth'in.
Congratulations! Thanks for being the blackEST sheep of the family and making me look just a little bit better by comparison.
PC, you want to know a little secret about "good sheep" and "black sheep" in the family? About a year before I DAed paw-paw had me over for dinner and told me how proud he was of me because I was the one kid in all of the family who had been "the best" and made the least trouble.
(For those who don't know.. PennyCandy is the only cousin I have who is "out" of the WTS.)
Well, you two are the cuddliest black sheep I've ever met! Happy Birthday to Elsewhere and his bad self!
(For those who don't know.. PennyCandy is the only cousin I have who is "out" of the WTS.)
Else ,You have relatives Whoa ,who da thought
Congrats , you badass
So, going by your avatars, you must be kissing cousins