I ran out of happy pills Sunday. So Monday I was feeling it. When CNN started discussing Peter Jennings, death from LUNG CANCER. I couldn't hold myself together. I wanted to post to everybody who smoked, to please, please stop. I held off, because I was so upset.
I resumed my happy pills Monday night. (antidepressants) Today I felt better, but I still felt like I wanted to say something. Now Dana Reeve has been diagnosised with LUNG CANCER. Wife of Christopher Reeve. I now sit down, through tears, and I write.
Peter Jennings smoked. Dana Reeve is a non-smoker. So yes I have heard it all before. Everyone has a grandfather or uncle that smoked and lived to be 99 years old. Or, look you might get it like Mrs. Reeve, and she never smoked.
We all know smoking is bad. But while you smoke you won't face the facts. I think your mind is clouded by all of the smoke. Please, if you are a smoker, STOP!!! I know it is hard. There are many different methods, and meds that can help. Yes they do work. They worked for me 3 years ago. I smoked for 19 years. I don't want to hear any excuses. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR CONTINUEING SMOKING. The time to quit is NOW!!! Please?????