Imagine that you have two options. One is to live in a village peacefully close to nature in a pleasant close knit community with all basic necessities secured for life, a home, food, transport, heating etc but no opportunity to become rich.
The second is to live in an urban environment a typically stressed life out of touch with nature but with the opportunity to make a lot of money in the long term after many years of work.
In both places your job is likable to you, what would you choose?
City or village life dilemma
by greendawn 10 Replies latest jw friends
as long as it isn't like on the Prisoner TV show...where you can never leave
Doubtfully Yours
Peaceful village.
Its sad, but after much reflection i would choose the urban life. Gotta have that money man!
Money is not worth the sacrifice of solitude, peace and quiet. Nor the close knit type invioronment of a small community. Urban life is harsh, cold and often hostile. Nothing beats community.
Village , i lived in the city and hated it . I only have nature and trees around and yes just to get to a store is a long drive and nothing close by ,but i wouldn't have it any other way.
PS , and lots of Vultures to visit me
First, move to the city and make a crap load of money.
Second, retire early to the village.
that's a toughie for me. I've lived in a city all my life, even when I lived outside the US. There are days when I yearn for the country life.....quiet, simple, surrounded by nature. But then when I am away from the city for too long I miss it so. I guess that if it comes down to the money issue I'll take the city but only for a certain amount of time. I'll make it a point to stash away as much $$$ as I can and then move to the country when I think I have enough!
No contest for me! VILLAGE --- here's my reasoning:
You don't know if you'll be around to enjoy that money when you retire. I would rather live the good life now, without a lot of unnecessary gadgets, than wait for a day that may never come.
One of the things that helped shape this attitude was my cousin. He worked all his life at a job he liked, making above-average money, with a good pension plan. They kept saying "we'll do this when we retire, we'll do that when we retire". They planned wisely, and paid off their house to coincide with retirement. Well, 5 days after he retired, he had a brain aneurysm, lingered for 3 weeks, and died. Twenty years later, his widow still grieves, and has no life.
It really made me stop and think about it when I was in my 20s.