God!!!! It just frys me that they brainwash these fools and they believe. I'm out but my wife still straggles behind. I have no feelings of guilt but feel free. Finishing my degree etc. Anyway every time I ask here to go back to school she gives me the same lame shit that the society preaches on how that materialistic. What!!!!! Recently she has been looking for a job (unemployed at the moment) and cannot find one. All of them want a degree of some kind. Man I look back and see how they have fucked so many people (excuse my language, it just burns me up). I keep telling her to plan for the future because this system "might" just keep going. What will she do for retirement? She keeps claiming the system will come to an end. I feel like beating my head against the wall...
JW's and education
by sinis 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
She keeps claiming the system will come to an end. I feel like beating my head against the wall...
Ya you mind as well because you would get more out of it . Most of us have been there or are still going through it with jw members of our family's. The wt doesn't lie because they are inspired by Jah and an education can't save their lives because the end is oh so close.........blah blah blah.
I wish I could light some sort of fire under her unmotivated ass!!!!!!!!!!!! Got to love CULTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sinis, i wish it would be that simple but the wt is God and they know best
I know the feeling, I'm now back to complete my engineering degree which I left off some 8 years ago in my third year(I know it's laughable) due to pressure my mom was put under for letting me go to university.
I know exactly what you mean. The WT has these people so brainwashed, it's hard to believe we could've fell for their line. The trials you're having with your wife mirrors my own. After telling me that she wanted to go back to school and actually making plans to, after the DC my wife came home and announced that she's putting it on hold in favor of meetings and a couple of studies she set up.
I was red-faced livid.
My wife also claims to be looking for a job, but has yet to find one. She refuses to plan for the future beyond the next convention or assembly because she's so sure this system is soon to come to an end, but she looks around at all her older female relatives in the troof and whines about how their husbands control them since they have no jobs, money, and none of their own retirement money coming in.
I've told her of my plans to set-up IRA's for both of us but, get this, she wants me to put money in a stock and mutual fund account she can control and play with at will. WTF She can do that with her own money when she gets a job. Or, better yet, if she's so sure the "end" is coming, why bother.
I know exactly what you mean. ; The WT has these people so brainwashed, ; it's hard to believe we could've fell for their line. ; The trials you're having with your wife mirrors my own. ; After telling me that she wanted to go back to school and actually making plans to, after the DC my wife came home and announced that she's putting it on hold in favor of meetings and a couple of studies she set up. ;
I was red-faced livid.
My ;wife also claims to be looking for a job, but has yet to find one. ; She refuses to plan for the future beyond the next convention or assembly because she's so sure this system is soon to come to an end, but she looks around at all her older female relatives in the troof and whines about how their husbands control them since they have no jobs, money, and none ;of their own retirement money coming in.
I've told her of my plans to set-up IRA's for both of us but, get this, she wants me to put money in ;a stock and mutual fund account ;she can control and play with at will. ; WTF ; She can do that with her own money when she gets a job. ; Or, better ;yet, if she's so sure the "end" is coming, why bother.
My god that sounds like the crap I used to see here! I probably got a year or so to go. I hate to admit it but I really feel bitter when I look back, knowing what I know now. I had scholarship rides, etc. and I remember to this day that a pioneer/bethelite told me to burn the acceptance letters as they were from Satan. I never destroyed them because I felt I EARNED them, piss on him. Anyway, I pioneered full time, eventually became a MS and literally worked my a$$ off betwen work, meetings, parts, literature, on and on... I remember when I was not making my time (no one to go out in service with) that one of the elders had the balls to tell me that I should go out by myself (and that he did that when he regular pioneered). Needless to say that was the final year after 4 straight years. I wish my wife would go back to school. Before I met her she was attending school but found the witness and hence there was no need. As of lately I have been reading my bible and can see the true light. Whether I'm right or wrong in my new "beliefs" I don't know but I continue to study and do research and FEEL FREE. Something I never felt when going to meetings. Although I do feel bitterness for the wasted years I am glad I can look back and say I did it and found my way. I just wish my wife would come around. I really feel her biterness/depression (sometimes towards me) all stems from the CULT as they instill in your mind to feel guilty if you are not doing x, y, and z. Currently my father (used to be a PO) is out and I have been "enlightening" him with the WTBS "truths". He is very appreciative and realizes now, when looking back, that there was something inherently wrong with the whole picture. My mother on the other hand is a different story. I actually got into with her a few weeks ago (father was an idle bystander) about doctrine. I showed her proofs for the 607 fallicy along with other things I have learned. The end result: she felt right or wrong (she admitted they are wrong in many things) that was how she was going to practice her faith. I was blown away that someone could be so blinded. yet on the other hand I can understand that sometimes people need a sense of belonging and hold to beliefs, although wrong, that seem to bring some sort of inner peace. I'm not really sure. Well at least I feel better knowing I wasn't the only sap...
Sinis, I know just how you feel. My daughter-in-law also knows they are wrong. She said she didn't mind belonging to an organization that was wrong . And my own Daughter said even if she knew they were wrong, she didn't know if she could leave. Had a friend to tell me exactly the same. Just can't understand why they want to waist their lives in a cult. I think it is the people in the organization they love more than the truth so it doesn't leave much hope for ones like that. Waisted the best years of my life in that cult It's a shame so many of us did. Have been out now about 3 years.
The end has been coming for 100 years. Forty-six years ago I graduated from high school at age 17. My parents had enough money to pay for a 4-year university education, I lived close to a university, my grades were great, but I decided not to go because of the truth. My parents were not baptized, but I was. I thought I would compromise by attending a two-year business school. I was just starting to fill out the application, when we were visited by an elder (we didn't have elders then, but he was on the 3-man committee that ruled the congregation). He talked me out of it, saying I had all the skills I needed to get a good job. After all I was a good typist and I could take shorthand (anybody ever heard of shorthand?). Besides, if you get married, you don't have to work.
I can't tell you how much this bad advice affected my life. I did find a wonderful husband, but he had been given the same bad advice, and it seemed like our life was just one constant struggle trying to make ends meet and raising three children. My husband is sick now and unable to work. I've been fortunate in that I finally was able to start my own business. Although I'm not getting rich, I'm able to provide for both of us and put a little aside for retirement. But I won't be able to retire soon, and I'm now 63 years old. Hope I can keep up the pace!
The questions I ask when people talk about materialism: Who will pay your light bill when you're age 65? The elders sure won't.
I went to uni to do commerce in the 1980's when it was still really evil and was given hell for it, though I was regular pioneering at the same time. Some people even went to the CO to encourage me to stop, though he was quite supportive. In the 1990's when I started questioning the JW's some people in my congregation claimed it was because of going to university and having my thinking affected.
Anyway, thank goodness I went. I now have an exceptionally well paying job I would not have without my degree.