If the people of Africa can't help each other out, even in their own country, why should we care?
because we really don't have the right not to care, as humans. regardless of how corrupt it is there, we still have to care, and we still have to try. there are people suffering, and that should be enough, end of story. regardless of how futile it would seem.
however, i agree that trade would be more beneficial than aid, if they had the infrastructure to support it, relatively free of corruption. do they?
other types of "aid" that are more than simple wire transfers of money, are education, and diplomatic pressure. education inspires grassroots change on the generational level. and diplomatic pressure should not be pussy footing, like it currently is. are we educating africa in a true sense ? are our governments tough enough on despotic regimes that have no oil?
of course, education is only going to go so far without other types of more basic "aid" like food, water and sanitation. does some of the food get stolen? yes. does some of it get through? yes. then what's the problem? that's the reality of the situation! get on with it!
the catholic church has a lot to answer for here. they really have not helped the continent AT ALL.
Along with food, why not also send ;enough health professionals to ;educate them about reproduction and its consequences in the midst of their horrible situation???!!!
some agencies are trying to educate people. but education is not just a 6 month, in/out deal. it's a huge lifetime investment. the people with the money that could accomplish this (note: this is money going to aid agencies, not african despots), do not want to invest it that way. the return is way too risky for them! (WASPs!) and in turn, all the people that would be willing to relocate to africa to organize/maintain different aid levels for which education is the primary goal, do not have the money either.
why is this? why do we just not get past this point?
again, like in pretty much all my posts, i must point out that evolution is the answer to this question. we are not modern brained humans! we still have primitive brains and morals. our culture has evolved quickly, is all. we would prefer to hoard, and war, than to help and educate. that's a fact. it's extremely sad, but a fact none the less. evolution is the explanation for the behaviour , NOT the excuse for it.
if we can't fix africa, then we really are just apes that had potential, but never quite made it to Human.