All your posts have been really interesting to me. I can see and have realised for a long time that the only way to keep a JW really under control is to either keep him 'uneducated', or to keep him in fear of losing all of those he loves through ex-communication!
Those were the things that kept me brainwashed and in the cult.
Going back, I know I was an excellent student with great potential. I had a great interest in many things, mostly science based and wanted to go into medicine in some way or another. As you can imagine this was 'not on' and the atmosphere in the cong. that we attended was openly hostile to any form of furthur education. It was down to the constant quoting at me of scriptures such as, and I can only paraphrase them now, but that the study of too many books is wearisome to the soul, and that godly training was beneficial for all things etc.. I admit to have been a brainwashed fool, when it came to religion at least, and I feared my parents, the elders, fellow JWs. I feared my childhood sweetheart would abandon me if I continued my education. In the end, to the dismay of my teachers, after succeeding well at school with ten good 'O' levels, mostly A grades and three good A levels, I left school to become a school cleaner!! I remember bumping into my Biology teacher, who stood there shocked asking what the hell I was doing cleaning a school!! His last words to me were 'what a terrible waste! Go to Uni where you belong.'
But, it took me another twenty years to wake up from the Watchtower nightmare. I think 'what a waste' myself. I don't regret a great husband, great kids, but I regret the waste of my own potential because of everything I was brought up to fear and intimidated into fearing.
I posted on this particular Watchtower article, which by the way when I finished reading was unceremoniously burnt, because I know of many, many people who's potential has been wasted by a looney, seventh day adventist off- shoot, mind control, cult.
It's not all about loss of earnings either. It's about self fulfillment and mind inspiration. Think how many ideas have been lost to the world. How many good or even great artist, musicians, doctors, nurses, teachers......
It makes me angry anyway!