What is your, "Unforgivable Sin?"

by Maverick 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maverick

    The WTS has made vague statements about the unforgivable sin metioned in the Bible but we all know that you can curse God and Jesus and be forgiven but should you promote the idea that the WTS is not God's only Earthly channel and that organization is a fraud, that will not be forgiven.

    On a person note, should you guys call a woman by the wrong name when you are first trying to get to know her, that will not be forgiven, especially if you call her a co-workers name!

    Driving your car on my front lawn will piss me off almost to the point of no return, do it twice and I'm done with you!

    So what about you? What is your, unforgivable sin?

  • Crumpet

    Being lied to. Tell me the truth no matter how painful and I will get over it in time and respect you fopr being brave and honest. Lie to me (and I don't mean trivial little white lies - like I'll be there in 10 minutes, when you know it'll be 20) and I might not find it in my heart to forgive.

  • DelTheFunkyHomosapien

    Live your life by the "You'll only ever shit in my nouthonce policy". Gross I know but when it happens (not literally) thats what it probably feels like.

  • PaulJ

    I'll forgive up to 77 times before you piss me off properly....

  • Robdar

    Ah, yes, the unforgivable sin. Something about sinning against the holy spirit and yet the WTS would never tell us what that was supposed to mean. When I was a girl and a very good dub (didn't want to piss off Jehoover), I worried about what the sin could be. I finally reached the conclusion that the sin against the holy spirit was: not loving your life, not enjoying it, not being thankful for it. So, I decided to love and live my life which meant that I had to break some of the rules of the WTS. Ah well, that was long ago. I still believe it though.

    As far as pissing me off, or my unforgivable sin, I think that it's laziness. I cannot abide laziness. I get pissed when able-bodied people wont do for themselves but expect others to do for them.

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    when someone acts like they care about me....until they get what they want....then they want nothing to do with me again.

    i never had this problem with my non-dub friends....just the dubs. go figure.

    luv, jojo

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    The loss of my daughter, TALIA!

  • garybuss

    My unforgivable sin #1, in the context of the Jehovah's Witness people was my ritual bath, called a baptism when I was 12 years old in a motel swimming pool that smelled like boiled eggs and piss.
    My unforgivable sin #2, was showing evidence that I was thinking. (It's okay to think, it's just not okay to show evidence of thinking.)

  • Finally-Free

    Any attempted legislation, regulation or restriction of my freedom of thought.


  • stillajwexelder

    child molestation


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