used deflection and transference.
WTBTS Teflon Stragegy
by minimus 45 Replies latest jw friends
used deflection and transference.
WTBTS Teflon Stragegy
They are suspicious of her and the way she answered the questions. She needs to be careful. They are fishing. Disgusting people, aren't they?
1 Do you love Jehovah?......She answered, "Of course I love Jehovah". #2 Do you feel the same about the Faithful & Discreet Slave?....She answered, "Why wouldn't I ? They taught me everything I know".-----
Can you say "Apostacy"???? These are the two questions they ask any Witness when they view you as a potential threat. After all, these are the very questions they asked Ray Franz and others before DFing them.
When my mother once again expressed that Jehovah God HATES liars and that the whole account is simply not true, they switched gears a bit. She made sure that they knew she felt "broken" by all their actions and was now "damaged goods".
Min, they don't give a rat's ass about how broken they made a faithful elderly sister feel. Their only concern is that she is "rebelling" against their official statement as to why she was removed as a pioneer. She is "questioning" their position (after all, she's only a woman) and she has called them "liars". Even though they know full well that they are a bunch of liars, they don't give a crap. The only thing they care about is for your mother to tow-the-line and not make a fuss.
Interestingly, my name was never brought up yesterday but this same elder called her the day before and made this comment:"I doubt Minimus sees you as often as he did before. Just remember WE are your real family!".........
Ya, a real nice family who crushes her spirit and then lies their asses off about it. Too bad she couldn't say "...You are from your father, the Devil..." but they would have formed a Judicial Committee before the words were out of her mouth............... They basically want to see how much of a baaaaaad influence you are on her and if you've managed to seduce your mother to the Dark Side yet. If they are so concerned about her, why didn't they apologize for their shit-assed treatment of her?? Why didn't they invite her over to their house for a meal and association? No, their only concern is for their own position. Nothing pisses an elder off more than a R&F Witness who questions their judgement. Assholes.
I love and appreciate all your responses!!!!!!!! I agree that they are on a fishing expedition. I love that she won't back down from telling them they qre liars. She even quoted them the scripture in Revelation that liars will be subject to the lake of fire. I asked her what they said to that and she said, "nothing". She IS good!
There is supposed to be special scrutiny for pioneers, as it says in the Pay Attention book:
Elders, ministerial servants, and pioneers should be irreprehensible and serve with a clean conscience. ( I Tim. 3:2, 8, 9; Titus 1:6) …
Marrying an unbeliever is contrary to Bible principles. (Deut. 7:3, 4; 1 Cor. 7:39; 2 Cor. 6:14, 15)
132 - "Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock"
If a dedicated, baptized Christian marries an unbeliever, this would result in disqualification from all special privileges for the time being. (1 Tim. 3:2, 4, 5, 12, 13;
w82 3/15 p. 31)If the parent is an elder, a ministerial servant, or a pioneer and encourages, allows, or gives tacit approval to the marriage, this raises questions regarding his or her
My two cents Minimus...
They would not have asked those two questions unless they thought she was week or waving or perhaps spending too much time with Minimus.
I personally would be suprised if it stops there.
:"I doubt Minimus sees you as often as he did before. Just remember WE are your real family!''
Either the 'Elder' was fishing to find out from your Mum if she does associate with you often, OR he was re-inforcing how isolated your Mum would be without them (JW). Very wrong of them.
Hi! we're newbies. Two anointed ex-witnesses who 'wiggled our way loose' from the authoritarian Watchtower organization. We were Witnesses for over 40 years, and have come to realize the Watchtower organization is now faced with monumental problems. We are pleased to see such a forum exist to vent feelings concerning your' "trip" through the Watchtower World. We have been visiting this sight for some time now and are pleased to part of it with you. Hey! minimus, the questions being asked to your mother concerning her feelings on the "slave" are generally the first questions asked in the 'interogation process'. Those on the boundaries of the Watchtower, ready to make their flight without turbulence must be very cautious in answering questions about the faithful slave, the Witnesses "GOD". In the initial interogation, speaking cynically and denying such a slave exists, will immediately begin the process of disfellowshipping! Tell you Mom to play it "kool", and 'slide around their questions'.
The Bastards!
My apologies to any literal bastards out there.
No one *knows* I'm an apostate. Actually, all I've ever heard is that the congregation has always hoped I'd reappear.