I realize this isn't JW related, but I've discovered a few people on this board also have auto-immune disorders, so I thought I'd cast out a net to see who else might have this problem.
About 6 years ago, I couldn't figure out why I couldn't get over a bout of the flu. I threw up a lot, felt feverish, my joints ached to the point where I had a hard time walking, was all around tired, diarrhea, severe moodiness, strange little skin rashes that popped up within minutes of a meal, had asthma attacks (never had asthma before) lost weight (down to about 85 - 90 lbs). (For those of you that know me, I usually stick around 105 or so, so imagine me 15 - 20 lbs lighter!) Antibiotics didn't work, creams didn't work, anti-depressants didn't work, exercise didn't work. Nothing seemed to work! And to top it off, the doctors could not find what was wrong with me. They told me it was psychosomatic. So what do you do when you feel bad and nobody seems to understand what's wrong with you? I did what most little girls do and called home to mommy and daddy.
It was in this conversation that I learned that my father had food intolerances that gave him the same symptoms I was experiencing. Considering that many food intolerances are hereditary, he recommended to me that I try a gluten-free diet for 30 days to see how I held up. At that point, I was willing to try anything. I was missing work like crazy and I was going nuts over my constant sitting on the potty. My boyfriend at the time had little compassion or tolerance to what I was experience. (That's why he's an EX-boyfriend now!) So I had to do something. I cut anything with gluten out of my diet for a month. Now that doesn't sound like a big deal until you research what has gluten in it. Flour has gluten. Which cut out any breads, pastas, cakes, cookies, crackers, gravies (oh my!), most sauces, most processed meats and *gasp* BEER! It was a hard, hard month, but I stuck to the Gluten Free (GF) diet best I could. Lo and behold - I felt better! Better than I had in months! (What triggered all this illness, was the bread machine that I got for a birthday present a few months earlier. I was baking a loaf at least twice a week. No wonder I felt so bad!)
Since then it's been trial and error. I've discovered gluten intolerance (also known as Celiacs Disease) is actually an auto-immune disorder. My body thinks that gluten is so bad, that it attacks it to the point where it harms my digestive system. The little filli (nutrient absorbers) in my tummy were damaged so much that I wasn't absorbing ANY type of nutrients, thus the weight loss and malnutrition. And gluten is hidden in so much food, that it really is difficult to adhere to the strict diet necessary. But I work at it and have learned discipline. I have discovered some Gluten Free items at Whole Foods and other health stores that taste pretty good, but all in all, I've adapted fairly well. I eat special GF bread, GF pancake and cookie mixes, GF pastas. The one thing I can't seem to discipline myself in is the beer. I will cheat for that. But only if it's good beer. Coors? Blech. Guiness and Shiner Bock. Well...okay...maybe just one. I usually pay for a few days when I cheat, but sometimes I just need to cheat. It's great for the moment, but then I remember WHY I have to stick to the diet.
So to make a long story endless...
Do any of you have food sensitivities? Or auto-immune disorders that are aggravated by food intolerances? Have you found any good substitutes or recipes that hold those cravings at bay? Any tools on the web that you find useful? I've just recently discovered www.glutenfreeforum.com. Wow! What a great site!
Thanks for letting me share. I would love to hear your stories too!