What I found interesting is that there is a guy on the site that had a conviction when he was only 15 with a 12 year old, and was on Juvie probation I guess, he was given only 9months...now I don't know the story or anything..but I thought juvie records are supposed to be sealed after you are 18. I find that bothersome...but again, I don't what happened.
While the site can be helpful, I would double check any information you find on private sites such as this with the actual authorities sites in your state.
It looks like they just pull in info from databases and google maps. A very clever idea, I have looked up sex offenders on the TX site before, and looked up how far they are away from our house too, this just does it for you in one step.
I think Megan's law was a good law, and certainly has its place. I have to admit though, I wonder if sometimes the ones that commit the less serious offense should be able to be deactivated if they have been good for say 10 years or so. Like indecent exposure...there was one guy on here, besides the one I mentioned above, that exposed himself as a 15 year old to a little kid. Should he have been punished? Absolutely, but I don't think he belongs on the same registery as child molesters and rapists. I live around the corner from two schools, one is a middle school and one is an elementary school, and there are at least 2 registered offenders within walking distance of the school...that gave me the shudders.