Watching the Big Brother final tonight, I have no plans for the rest of the weekend although I imagine I will have visitors, and if the weather is nice I hope to send my little girl to the beach with her uncle.
Fe203Girl - I don't want to seem patronising but I didn't realise this until a couple of months ago, but you should avoid bbqs while you are pregnant, just incase something is not cooked properly.
For my 2ps worth, if you do BBQ, cook everything in the oven first.
i'm with ya. plus it takes too long if it's not precooked. it's a night game so there should be plenty of time for a brew or two and maybe even a bit of revelry. (woohoo! yeah revelry!)
Thanks for the feedback folks. I haven't managed to poison myself in the past, and I will be following the guidelines here, which look sensible even if you aren't an incubator.
About the pram, yes, I am looking for one with a co-ordinated gun sleeve!
We're holding a garage sale. If I'm lucky, I might be able to get out for some night life. Otherwise, just watching the sale and hanging out with the boy.
We usually throw something on the grill on Sunday. I'm thinking some nice strip steaks with a peppercorn rub, slices of veggies, grilled, and maybe some mushrooms nicely marinated and heated.