But humans foolishly believe that they need more than that. They believe they need love, approval, affection, success, to be outstanding, etc. NONE OF THESE THINGS ARE HUMAN NEEDS! There have been plenty of people throughout history who have never had strong relationships with anyone. An extreme example are some hermits, monks and nuns. They go for years, some of them, without even really talking to anyone, let alone feeling and expressing "love" to individuals. (Though they may do this in their meditation and spiritual practice) And there have been people who have led happy lives without ever getting married, starting a family, being part of a group or even having a number of very close friends.
Well.........um, how do I say this? No. (There! That should work.)
Love is the highest value we place on something. Consequently we feel the strongest emotion for the thing valued.
None of us can go through any kind of bearable life without valuing something, now can we? No. Nor should we want to.
You seem to be saying we must avoid placing a HIGH value on something or we'd feel a HIGH emotion (loss) if the beloved were taken away. Okay. What does that get us?
To live is to experience life. If we shut out the highest experiences we are left with a pair of deuces and that won't win doodly squat in any cardgame worth playing.
It seems to me the more desirable way of making your point would be to reframe it.
The best life a person can live is a life of the highest values. It can be education, health, friendship, meaningful work and an interesting and productive purpose. Would you be better off being indifferent to these or experiencing them to the fullest by appraisal of their subsequent value?
When we say we "LOVE" another person we are saying we have inspected what they are, who they are and we have appraised the constitutency of their very being as the best of the best.
Do we NEED them in our life? Only if we crave excellence in our companions, our mentors, our peers and our intimates. We NEED to love only in so far as we need the very best in relationships. Why settle for less and call it a "want?"
I think you are missing the connection! This is a reflection of ill-considered philosophy, in my opinion. Not to nitpick you (I'm sure you'd never nitpick me) but, consider this.
1.When humans achieve something of value it boosts their self-esteem. Self esteem builds confidence. Confidence empowers us to raise our ambitions. Our ambition leads us to higher planes of endeavor. The highest endeavors bring the greatest rewards.
LOVE is the highest value.
Who is happiest? The man who loves his job or is indifferent? The man who loves his mate or who merely cohabits for pleasure and convenience?
2. The alternative to values would be WHIMS. Whims are arbitrary, capricious and ill-considered. Whims aren't long term goals but immediate, temporary and often injurious. (Due to being spur of the moment and ill-considered.)
LOVE, being the highest value, is never a short term consideration. It is an investment in the future and investments are always over time. The WHIM is a gamble.
3.The rational man is quite different from the irrational man. How so?
The rational man seeks positives. Love is a postive. The irrational man AVOIDS negatives. Love is never negative. Only whims which have been a gamble fail to pay.
4. Love is the desire to gain and enjoy and maintain long term. Fear is the desire to avoid and escape a DISvalue.
5.High achievers struggle to create value in their lives. Under achievers avoid blame and seek neutrality by failing to participate in the struggle against obstacles associated with gaining value.
6.The person who is ABLE TO LOVE seeks his equal. The man who fears the obligations of love seeks meaningless affairs to avoid the hollow taste of loneliness.
7.The person who seeks health actively engages in activity that has the higest health-value which produces the highest enjoyment of life. The fearful man is the hypochondriac obsessed with the negative side: avoiding sickness.
All kinds of persons are after something in their lives. But, it is their personal philosophy which determines what they end up with.
Achieving life is not the same as avoiding death.
Happiness is not the absence of pain nor intelligence the absence of stupidity.
In view of the above arguments I wish to conclude by saying this.
LOVE is the need of rational people.
It is the WANT of the fearful and irrational person.
No, I'm not calling you irrational or picking a brawl. I'm just asking you to reconsider your philosophical standard when posting a statement such as this.
LOVE IS A HUMAN NEED if the human wants the best life possible.