AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! I know what you all mean.A friend and I were just talking about this the other day. Being a rather cheap male in my early 20's with a low paying job, I can't help but love their low prices. But their policies, towards women, and their employees in general (ie: the low pay, shitty promotions (apparantly very few for women) and their use of medicare as company health care) keep me from spending too much money there....
The stuff about them running other businesses out of town arent all hype either. where i live there are 3 super wal-marts within 12 miles of eachother... 3!!! Is it because the rusted out pickups of their mostly hillbilly clientele can't go for more than 5 miles at a time? Back to my point.... Here In eastern Ia/ western il we had a semi local grocery store called eagle counrty foods. They had one main competetor, which was hy-vee. All was well in the land as the two battled it out. lower prices and longer store hours were enjoyed by all. Then came the super wal mart, because they werent making enough money without selling groceries. Things were still okay. eagles had to raise their prices a bit, because they couldnt compete with wal mart and hy vee, becase eagles had union workers. Then comes the second super wal mart, on the illinois side, because, if davenport gets a super wal mart, then, goddamnit, moline deserves one two. Now things arent looking so good for eagles. They had to close a few stores, and the ones that were still open weren't open 24 hours anymore, but things were okay. Then comes the third super wal mart. This wal mart was six miles away from the first. and In the same town, i might add... I still haven't heard a good reason for this one being buit (and no, "The west side of town needs a wal mart too," doesn't count) This is when it all crapped out. Hyvee had to raise prices again, and eagle's which had been around for about a hundred years or so, if i remember, had to close its doors, permanatly. Assloads of people go without jobs, numerous families have to go without grocery stores in thier neighborhoods, and now have to go and bow at the altar of sam, for their necessities... I just hate it.... don't get me started on starbucks... for I love frappucinos, but they do the same thing as well..... CORPORATIONS ARE THE DEVIL!!!