Fellow JW-Com'ers:
As excited as we are by the events announced by Silent Lambs and upcoming media attention, I would like to ask people to remember the many silent lambs who simply cannot speak or have not yet found their voice.
These victims should not be made to feel as second class people for their decision to remain silent. I will not go into all the possible reasons why these victims remain silent.
I will simply say that for many, just living day to day is all they can do to survive.
In our comments in support to those Lambs who are roaring let us be careful not to belittle or infer that the still silent ones are lacking in some manner.
I sincerely pray all these precious ones find their voice as they are able. I also hope that this recent activity in the courts and media will allow many more survivors to find their voice and continue their growth and personal recovery.
Kismet - who never wants to become Society'ish by being concerned more with issues than individual people